
5 Decades of Education

Services for Real Estate Pros with Send Out

I start my 39th year as an educator today. Hopefully, because of Send Out Cards, it will be my last.  for several years, I have thought about making a diary of my last year and expressing my thoughts about how education and society and I have changed over the years.  Mike Jones of Tucson Realty was kind enough to share Active Rain with Sally and me so now I can do my blog and possibly help my business as well. What a nice combination. Technology is one big change I will talk about in the coming months.

Forty years ago this month, I began my educational career as a student teacher in Wenatchee, Washington. I was a senior at Central Washington State College. This was before it became a university and was called CWCS or "Sweesee". I majored in Eduction with an emphasis on History and Political Science. How ironic that I was a poly sci major. I was living in one of the most turbulent years of U.S. History - 1968 - and I was totally not involved. I had a mission to get my degree, find a job and teach and coach. What was happening in Vietnam, the Miami and Chicago conventions, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, Kent State, the inner city riots and a whole myriad of other social and international issues was like another world to me. It was like I was watching history being made, but it was something on television and really had nothing to do with me. I have always felt kind of guilty for that.  Could  I have done more? Should  I have done more? 

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The Trumm Team Omaha Homes for Sale, Real Estate
Keller Williams Greater Omaha - Omaha, NE

Welcome to ActiveRain!

If you would like a few tips on getting the most out of ActiveRain, please visit my blog Welcome to Active Rain.  It has a few simple steps of what to do now that you have joined.

If you ever have any questions, just let me know.

Troy Trumm

Jul 31, 2008 12:46 AM
Kirk Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC Realtor -Short Sale Expert! - Greenville, SC
Kirk Westervelt, Broker In Charge, Van West Realty - CDPE - Short Sale Agent - Home for Sale - Greenville, Simpsonvil...

Hi, welcome to Active Rain! I hope to see more of your blogs in the future. Learn from others, share your knowledge and experiences and enjoy yourself! Take care! ---Kirk.

Jul 31, 2008 09:13 AM
Mike Crosby
Mike Crosby Realty - Placentia, CA
Placentia- Yorba Linda Real Estate - 714-742-2897

I use send out cards with my real estate Business.  I like sending the Browines and the 1 lbs. bag of almonds.

Dec 11, 2013 11:22 AM