***My husband is a teacher at Calvert Career Center in Calvert County MD and he is organizing this fundraiser for his school. I am posting this to share this info with all of my friends here on AR as well as an event on Localism. Thanks in advance for any help and I hope to see some of you there! Any questions just call or e-mail me.***
Calvert Career Center Car Show
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Back Parking Lot of Calvert High School
Proceeds go to support Calvert Career Center students who will be participating in the SkillsUsa National Competition held in Kansas City, Missouri each year.
9am - Open to Participants
$15 per Vehicle and Driver Pre-Registered
Registration on site - $20
Bring your vehicle for a day of family fun at CCC
10am-3pm - Open to Spectators
$2 Admission
10 and under Free
Three Categories
Car - Motorcycle - Offroad
Trophies will be awarded for best in each class
Food and Drinks will be available
For more information contact Calvert Career Center at 410-535-7450
No Alcohol Permitted on School Property.
Appropriate Dress expected at this family friendly event