This is a photo of Mom with all the boys in the family. I'm the only son (Paddy, that's me right behind Mom, yup, no hair) and the rest are, my Brother in Law on the right and all the grand sons.
Mom hasn't had a bit of trouble with the ticker, but we found out that the Doc's were watching her blood numbers. It was determined that she had some possible blockage. Sure enough after more test it was worse then they thought.
Today was supposed to be the surgery but due to a death in the family of the surgeon she has been postponed to Monday. Mom is surprisingly handling it quite well, she has always been a strong part of the family.
The surgery will consist of two by passes and a replacement of the main aortic valve with a pig valve (see photo). We went as a family to the consultation and learned that they will be splitting the rib cage to perform the repairs. The by pass veins will come from her leg. It's been a learning experience for each of us.
To go from bike riding and being active to needing heart surgery, would have never guessed it, but in turn the Doc said, that is most likely what has kept her healthy up until now.
Please keep Mom in your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance my AR Family!
Special thanks to Grace Safrin for the encouraging e-mail you sent a while back, I read it to Mom on what to do after the surgery, she said to say Thank You.