
Mom goes in for Open Heart Surgery Monday

Services for Real Estate Pros with Rate A Home

This is a photo of Mom with all the boys in the family. I'm the only son (Paddy, that's me right behind Mom, yup, no hair) and the rest are, my Brother in Law on the right and all the grand sons.

Mom hasn't had a bit of trouble with the ticker, but we found out that the Doc's were watching her blood numbers. It was determined that she had some possible blockage. Sure enough after more test it was worse then they thought.

Today was supposed to be the surgery but due to a death in the family of the surgeon she has been postponed to Monday. Mom is surprisingly handling it quite well, she has always been a strong part of the family.

The surgery will consist of two by passes and a replacement of the main aortic valve with a pig valve (see photo). Pig Valve ReplacementWe went as a family to the consultation and learned that they will be splitting the rib cage to perform the repairs. The by pass veins will come from her leg. It's been a learning experience for each of us.

To go from bike riding and being active to needing heart surgery, would have never guessed it, but in turn the Doc said, that is most likely what has kept her healthy up until now.

Please keep Mom in your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance my AR Family!



Special thanks to Grace Safrin for the encouraging e-mail you sent a while back, I read it to Mom on what to do after the surgery, she said to say Thank You.


Kara Casamassina
International Property Management Group, LLC - Aiken, SC
Boomers and beyond

Hi Duane -  I'm extremely happy to read that your mom's surgery went well and her recovery is moving forward.   A similiar thing for my aunt recently.  Cycling one day - heart surg the next. I'm sooo sooo sorry I missed this post, Duane. (I've been sick myself but that is no excuse)  Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers for speedy and full recovery.  Let her know that it won't be long and she will be back to her lifestyle as usual - this is just a little hiccup, that's all.  Has she thought about writing a blog herself - to pass the time..?  My mom always says 'I should write a book'.  I bet your mom has lots of stories, too :)   Nice family pic by the way :)   (good to put a face with the words) 

Aug 10, 2008 01:05 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Gail, thank you sweet heart, we have been trying to channel some of the positive flow to Mom. She's coming around a bit, one day at a time.

Aug 10, 2008 02:40 AM
April Hayden-Munson
Brookfield, WI
Brookfield Wisconsin Real Estate

Hi Duane, I missed all of this until today and I am glad to see your Mom is doing well.  Be sure to take care of yourself in this stressful time! God Bless you and your family.

Aug 10, 2008 04:17 AM ~ Dallas Real Estate Agent Top Team
Dallas Houses for Rent Dallas Apartment Rentals - Dallas, TX

Duane happy to read "mom" surgery went well, I am sure she well be spoiled at home with all. Have a great week.

Aug 10, 2008 05:06 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

UPDATE: I was hoping to give a good report today where Mom was headed home. Not so. Just talked to Dad and he said that Mom had an anxiety attack (never had one before) that she was going to be putting my sister out by staying there. Not sure where she came up with the thinking, but none the less they are keeping her for another night. On Monday they are going to decide if they will be putting her in a home to help her mental state at this point. Crazy how this surgery played with her mind. She has always been so level headed and positive.

Also, when I talked to Dad on the phone this morning at the end of our talk I heard Mom say "Please tell all the people on-line Thank You for their prayers". Dad reconfirmed the same feelings from him for each of you.

 THANK YOU AGAIN, you are each to kind.


Aug 10, 2008 08:24 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Kara, hope you are feeling better. My prayers will be with you as well. Thank you so much for your kind words, concerns and prayers for Mom. We had a little change of pace (no pun intended) this afternoon, now they will be keeping her another day, then decide what they will be doing next with her mind juggling back and forth now. Frustrating to see such a strong person wrestling with this.

Thanks again,


Aug 10, 2008 08:30 AM
Pat Haddad, ABR, CRS, ePRO, GRI
Keller Williams Indianapolis Metro NE - Carmel, IN
Carmel, Fishers, Westfield IN Real Estate Expert


You and I have only just met, but I read this post with much interest and concern.  I will be saying a few prayers for a speedy recovery.  Both of my parents had bypass surgery.  This wonderful medical technology gives many families added/extra years with their loved ones that otherwise would not be possible.  My mother was a little out of it mentally after her bypass.  It seemed to take a few months to get that part back to normal.  We played cards with Mom, debated with her about anything near and dear to her and got her out as much as possible to museums, movies, etc.---anything to stimulate her.  Your mother is blessed with a loving family and this in itself will be the best medicine!

Aug 10, 2008 09:33 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

April, thank you so much for stopping by and adding your thoughts and concerns, I and the folks sure appreciate the AR's Family concerns and love they have showered our family with.

Thanks again,


Aug 10, 2008 09:53 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Lynn, we thought she was on her way home, (see update above) now it appears she's there for another night, then possibly off to rehabilitation after that to get her mind back in line. Argh.

Thanks for your thoghts and concerns.


Aug 10, 2008 10:18 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Pat, thanks for your concerns and prayers. Glad to hear your folks are doing better from the by-pass surgeries they went through. I will certainly suggest this to Dad on keeping her mind busy, great input.

Thanks again my New Friend in The Rain,


Aug 10, 2008 10:32 AM
Jackie -
770.498.7333 - Atlanta, GA
Learn to leverage technology to get more done.

Hi Duane, I don't know how I missed this post, but your Mom and family are on my prayer list. I know you are busy, so I won't feel bad if you don't have the time to respond to my comment.


Aug 11, 2008 04:09 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Jackie, thank you for your prayers and concerns, they have been felt by the family.

Never to busy to respond to ya, I have a war going on in my other post so I'm manning the battle lines right now. Grin.

Thanks again for stopping by,


Aug 11, 2008 04:17 AM
Jeff&Grace Safrin
F.C.Tucker 1st Team Real Estate - Valparaiso, IN

Dear Duane - She is in my continued prayers for a full recovery - get permission to wheel her outside or to an open air atrium for a spell if she's stable enough and weather permits - maybe that will help :)



Aug 11, 2008 04:31 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Grace, another great idea, I will suggest that to Dad. Fingers crossed she will be release on Tuesday, but still not sure if she will be going home or to a rehabilitation center.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.



Aug 11, 2008 06:42 AM
Gail MacMillan
Titusville, FL

Duane - Life's best for you and your family.  If you ever need an ear, I'll be here....or there ;-)

Bye - we'll miss you

Aug 12, 2008 10:43 AM
Jeff&Grace Safrin
F.C.Tucker 1st Team Real Estate - Valparaiso, IN

Just checking in to see if your mom is home yet ( hopefully). My Continued prayers for recovery Duane...



Aug 14, 2008 04:30 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Gail, thank you. It's been an interesting past couple of weeks.

Aug 17, 2008 12:57 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Grace, hope all has been well with you. Mom is home (at my sisters house actually) and still struggling mentally. One day at a time. What a change after being so on top of everything for her.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and all the input you were able to provide, you are a doll.


Aug 17, 2008 12:59 AM
Jeff&Grace Safrin
F.C.Tucker 1st Team Real Estate - Valparaiso, IN

Been away a few days moving our youngest back to Purdue Duane - I will continue to keep your Mom in my prayers. just a thought...have the local pharmacist review her meds for appropriate dose for her weight and possible side effects or potential adverse effects due to combinations of the different meds she is taking post-op.

With a familiar environment and routine, and some good home cooking,  she will improve!

take care



Aug 19, 2008 12:51 PM
Patricia Beck
RE/MAX Properties, Inc., ABR, GRI, SRES - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Realty

Boy am I late reading this blog!  I hope your mom's surgery went okay Duane.  It's amazing what the medical field has advanced to, isn't it?

Sep 11, 2008 01:32 AM