
It's Saturday - Are you being productive?

Real Estate Agent with California Housing Realty

I just attended a brief seminar on how to make $100,000.  It turned out to be a recruiting endeavor by a brokerage firm but never the less, I chiseled away something positive. 

The speaker spoke about the basics of what we must do as Realtors to be successful and I listened carefully for that one thing that would turn my life around.  Well, it was nothing new but the message was clear, put in your hours and reap the rewards.  So simply put, what are you doing this today (Saturday)?  Are you doing an Open House, showing homes, passing out business cards, calling your clients, researching information, networking,....etc or are you feeling sorry for yourself and wondering who is going to invite you to their BBQ this afternoon.  Think about it and act upon what you know needs to be done.



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Ronald Gillis
Southwest Florida Notaries (Mortgage Notary Signing Agent) - Port Charlotte, FL
CNSA Southwest Florida. Notaries, Port Charlotte, 941-7-NOTARY

ALWAYS marketing myself, in one way or another! No matter, my car, here on AR, or some other way!  If I don't go get the business, it will NOT just come to me!


Aug 02, 2008 07:53 AM
Jack torres

You are absolutely right.  Get out, see the people,and know your product.

Aug 03, 2008 05:57 AM
Debbie Salmon
keller williams - Vancouver, WA

Thanks for taking the time to post this ... excellent information

Nov 19, 2008 02:40 AM