What can this FREE Chart Do?
1) Calculate monthly PITI payments
2) Calculate interest-only payemnts
3) Automatically calculate approximate mortgage insurance.
4) Calculate DTI (debt-to-income)
5) Calculate approximate tax write-offs for home ownership
6) And much more!!!
Hello everybody,
I have just UPDATED my awesome qualification chart with the capability to CALCULATE APPOXIMATE TAX WRITE OFFS for purchasing a home. This adds even more value to my chart by giving your clients a tool to help them understand the "true" costs of home ownership. If you can show them how much they would be saving in taxes as compared to renting, they may be more likely to purchase.
You can download this chart for FREE by clicking: http://www.intuitiveloans.com/Intuitive%20Loans%20Qualification%20Chart.xls.
If you need any help in working the chart, please contact me via email at Aaron@IntuitiveLoans.com. It should be pretty easy for those of you with Excel experience. For others, it may take a little getting used to, but it will be well worth it. Kiss those late-night calls to your mortgage broker goodbye. :)
Below is a picture of the conventional loan qualification tab: