
New Websites from The Real Estate Book

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Real Estate Book

Hello all,


I just wanted to share with you the exciting news we got from NCI our Corporate operator of magazines. We have launched some new websites for all our agents listings, we feed to over 35 sites.


If you should want a flyer emailed to you with all of the websites, I can provide one to you. When looking to advertise your listings in print and online look to the number 1 provider of media in the Country, The Real Estate Book.....your National and International source.


Thank you .




Jacinta da Silva
Atlanta Communities - Marietta, GA

what website is feeding to this and does it cost anything

Aug 04, 2008 05:53 AM
Keith Goodman
Keith Goodman - Merced, CA

Jeff, thank you very much for the websites. These will be very useful for me. I will be passing them around to all of my associates. Thanks, Keith

Aug 04, 2008 05:53 AM
Lorraine or Loretta Kratz
Crescent Moon Realty, Inc. & Land N Sea Auctions. - San Marcos, CA
Certified Negotiation Consultants


Thanks for the info I will check out some of your recommendations.

Aug 04, 2008 06:06 AM
Jeff Vandermate
The Real Estate Book - Pasadena, CA

Hello Jacinta,


These sites are fed complimentary as long as you are a client of The Real Estate Book? Its a lot less expensive to advertise like this versus traditional only because its a bundled package. If the agents were to try to advertise on all 35 sites it would be in excess of $3,500.00 per month, a page of advertising usually is around $500.00.


Let me know if you would like a flyer of all the sites emailed to you.




Aug 04, 2008 08:03 AM