
Ist Day of School - High Expectations

Services for Real Estate Pros with Send Out

For the 53rd time I was part of a school opening. It has been the same all those years. Some kids are brought by parents more nervous and anxious than them. They are decked out in the latest clothes, lunch pails and learning tools. Other kids show up with parents who  leave them at the front door, look at their watch to see if they are late for work, and hurry off to their own world. There are kids who arrive alone, on foot or by bus. They are to fend for themselves as their parents ar at home still asleep or watching Television.  Over the years, I have watched these kids grow up. The ones with overprotective and nervous parents. The ones whose parents care, but are too busy to really get involved. And the ones who fend for themselves, finding help where they can.  How do they fare?  I think, pretty much the same.  Some have fantastic school careers and become succesful productive citizens. Others just go through the motions and barely get by.  Others, become trouble makers and "time and energy suckers" all through school and then onto adult lives.  The difference?  I think it starts with some inate drive and ability of the person him/her self. Then a large and significant factor (and studies have proven this) is the teachers the child encounters along the way.  One teacher can do a world of harm One teacher can make a world of positive difference in a child's future. I, and thousands of my colleagues, need to remember that each day.

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Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495


Today would have been your 55th time if my math is right, had you not been able to retire thanks in part to Send Out Cards!  Congratulations to you and Sally!

Mike in Tucson

Jul 29, 2010 08:19 AM
Mike Crosby
Mike Crosby Realty - Placentia, CA
Placentia- Yorba Linda Real Estate - 714-742-2897

I use send out cards with my real estate Business.  I like sending the Browines and the 1 lbs. bag of almonds.

Dec 11, 2013 11:21 AM