
What's over your head?

Home Inspector with A Closer Look Home Inspections

You know, I have an inquisitive mind and an unrelenting sense of curiosity.  It has got me into trouble more times than I care to remember, but I will save that one for another day! :)

Anyways, where I live here in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area), there is a phenomenal amount of growth in the private sector.  New homes are being built at an increasingly high rate of speed.  I honestly believe that unless you are having a "custom" home built, the "minimum to meet code" quality of some of these newer "cookie-cutter" homes are going to cause real problems down the road for both seller and buyer.

One problem that is becoming more evident with each passing day is the quality and workmanship of the roofing systems.  This is not necessarily a knock on the builder as much as it is on certain roofing companies that sacrifice quality workmanship for time, labour and a quick buck!   

For instance, as I was out driving today, I noticed some real "issues" this one house had with its roof.  This roof had more waves in it than the Pacific Ocean and the ridge board had a saddle look that would make every cowboy drool (both ends of the Ridgeboard were angled down towards the center).  What was even more problematic for me was the fact that this house was in a newer upper class neighbourhood. 

So having the unrelenting sense of curiosity that I do, I stopped to take a closer look.  Apart from wondering who the roofer was that took pride in such quality workmanship, I thought about the different things that might be contributing such a display of wonder!

Without getting a closer look - especially from the attic, this "wave" look can be caused by;

  • the effect of moisture on the sheathing boards,
  • over spanned sheathing boards,
  • the rafters are not spaced out properly or perhaps
  • the sheathing is missing the "H" clips (clips that hold two pieces of plywood together)

The "saddle" look to this Ridgeboard can be caused by

  • broken or rotted ridgeboard,
  • broken or missing cross ties,
  • extra (over bearing) load on the roof structure

These issues may not be seen immediately after installation, but after a few weather cycles the evident becomes....well, evident!  Who knows, I may let my curiosity get the better of me and actually go up and knock on the door. :)

Calvin Bailey
A Closer Look Home Inspections

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Bob Sloop, Consultant, Indianapolis, IN
RS Mortgage Consulting - Indianapolis, IN
Calvin, by all means, I would knock on the door.  Good luck.
Mar 23, 2007 02:13 PM
Alexander Harb
Knights Investing - Mesquite, TX
Dallas, Texas Real Estate Investing


Wow...just think what will happen after a couple of thoe Canadian winters!!!!

All the weight of the snow and ice will do a LOT of damage....

Ya never know what will happen...a total collapse of the roof???

I would knock on the door too!!


Mar 23, 2007 02:51 PM
John McKenna - Dallas, TX
If the roof looks like now, what will it look like in 10 years?  Not a good place to build your equity.
Mar 25, 2007 02:07 AM
Shawn Martin
Crosby Inspections - Vancouver, WA



In our business a lot of people just don;t know... I would go knock on the door.


Shawn Martin

Mar 25, 2007 04:16 AM
Shanna Hall
Real Estate Solutions - Kirkwood, MO
I love selling houses!!!St. Louis, MO 314-703-1311
If I lived in that house i would put a sing in the front year stating "Company" put my roof on "date."  I think that as soon as they heard about my sign, they would fix it or live with my sign in my yard for as long as it took.  I would also contact the builder and let them know the poor workmanship!
Apr 04, 2007 03:45 PM
Christopher Webster
EXP Realty, LLC - Columbia, SC
Columbia South Carolina Real Estate For Sale
Here in Myrtle Beach, we are facing the same issues. Like any other item, if produced too quickly you will get poor quality. It's mostly in the cookie cutter areas!
Apr 04, 2007 04:28 PM
Jimmy Breazeale
Sherlock Home Inspections - Coldwater, MS
It's happening in certain developments in North Ms.  Problem is, reputable roofing contractors are kind of hard to come by, many of them working in Katrina damaged areas...and the recovery really hasn't begun yet.  Builders are having to watch closely their roofing subcontractors.
Apr 04, 2007 06:26 PM
Rick McCullough
Alert Home Services - Denver, CO
Great Blog. I ALWAYS knock on the door myself. I have always tried to better myself in all aspects of life.
Apr 11, 2007 01:21 AM
Minnesota Home Staging Firm, Minnesota
Minnesota Home Staging Network~ MN's Top Home Staging Firm - Inver Grove Heights, MN

Informative post. Thanks for shedding some light for those of us that aren't home inspectors!


Apr 13, 2007 09:24 PM
Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections
Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections - Springfield, VT
Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont

Hey there and evening to you Calvin
Calvin, sure hope everything is going well for ya!

Sep 05, 2011 11:02 AM
Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections
Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections - Springfield, VT
Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont

Hey there and evening to you Calvin
Calvin, sure hope everything is going well for ya!

Sep 05, 2011 11:08 AM
Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections
Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections - Springfield, VT
Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont

Calvin, I'm stopping back by in-order to check to see if you had started being active on your blog here agin or not.

Jul 27, 2013 11:00 PM