I signed up on Active Rain a while ago and had planned on writing consistently in my blog. And then something happened that stopped me in my tracks.
At age 39 I am very recently divorced, a single Mom of 3 kids( and a Lab) yes I have to count the Lab. Just bought a new house moved myself because I'm independent and I am currently remodeling it, a lot of it myself because I can, ooh and I'm also trying to sell Real Estate full time while doing all this other stuff. And unknown force said I couldn't.
In may of 2008 I had a stroke. I had the first signs of my stroke at a listing appointment, a weird eye disturbance to which i said, "Wow, What a trip that was weird" and I keep going. And just so you know I kickbox and do boxing classes and was training for my first marathon and was down to a 9 min. mile. Which was an achievement for me. I was in good shape. I got up on a Sunday morning walked down the stairs had a stroke and fell down to the ground and couldn't get up. It took around 10 times to dial the phone correctly but I got to the hospital. I had a dissection of my vertebral artery. Which to put it simply is more like an injury to the artery not the normal stroke from a clogged artery.
I was lucky, no real bad side effects just a little balance issue which was compensated for by the time I left the hospital. I remember talking to friends in the hospital saying" I have to get home and finish my mulch and my weeding this weekend"
Then the neurologist came in and said you can't do anything for 4 weeks and no work or stress for eight, oh and my favorate no driving for 4 weeks and even better than the last someone has to stay with you because this might happen again. I cried.
I hate getting help from anyone and no stress with three kids and I can't work???
So my Mom stayed with me and I learned to let someone help me and more importantly I learned or I'm still learning how to say" It doesn't really matter" to a lot of things that just that, Don't really matter. What does matter is Family, Friends and Faith and that's it! You job should just enhance those key aspects to your life.
I'm sharing this with you because I feel lucky to be alive and to be able to spend another day with my kids and my Lab yes the Lab too! And I also feel lucky to learn this lesson at such a young age, some people never get it.
So when your moving too fast and your stressed out at least take the time to ask yourself does this really matter? and if it doesn't, let it go and just smile! Slow down and always make time for yourself and your friends and family.
Life is short eat dessert first, believe me I was wishing I had dessert that Sat. night before my stroke, Yes I really thought of that!!!