
Underwriting in the box

Mortgage and Lending with Jamestown Lending
I have been an underwriter for many years.  Through my experience on the "If it is in the Box" type loans, this becomes very scary.  I had a couple occasions when I was questioned on a couple conditions that I had added to a loan approval, it became an altercation with the processor and loan officer.  My supervisor then asked why I had added that condition, due to what was in the file, I felt it necessary.  Because of the condition, we found that it was a fraud loan.  There are just some things that don't feel right in some files.  We underwriters don't like to be detectives, but we don't want the loan to go bad and come back to repurchase the file.  This happens more than what you think.  Not only do we have to repurchase the file, it also goes against the underwriter.  Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated.
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Bob Sloop, Consultant, Indianapolis, IN
RS Mortgage Consulting - Indianapolis, IN
Connie, been there done that on the other end of the stick.  As a Loan Officer I have always tried to make sure I knew what my Underwriters expected from me, per file and if I had questions with the conditions placed on my loans, I would try to work through the process with my Underwriter to find a better solution if possible.  As you stated your CHUMS I.D. is on the line on every file you underwrite, I am glad you have been on both sides of the fence, as a L.O. , processor, and underwriter.  Thanks for sharing with us.
Mar 24, 2007 08:25 AM