I saw this article today and just had to take a minute to comment on it. The article is here to highlight what is great about this country. Here is the link http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/080807/entertainment/elvis_peacock_jumpsuit. We are dealing with record national deficits, soaring energy costs, rising food costs, the banking crisis and a multitude of other things. Even with all of this, I can still be amazed by the citizens of our proud nation.
Someone found $300,000 to purchase a jump suit that the King wore for one of his concerts. This smashed the previous record for clothing that Elvis had worn. We hear about the falling dollar and NBA stars leaving to play for more money overseas. It gives you a sinking feeling in your stomach that we are no longer the capitalistic market leader of the world. All those feelings subside when we place the proper significance on priceless American heirlooms.
My hopes will probably be dashed when it comes out who bought the peacock. I just hope that it does not come out that some oil tycoon in a far away land has purchased this great symbol of American culture. Have a great weekend.