
Did you look in the mirror? A follow up to a Blog by Mitch Ribak

Real Estate Agent with California Housing Realty

Just recently I read a Blog by Mitch Ribak titled "......

Just Do It! Don't you think it's your time to shine!

I will not get into details of his blog but I strongly recommend you read it if you are looking for a little spark to get you moving again.  One of his suggestions was to look in the mirror (read the blog to understand what this means) and I did.  Besides scaring myself physically, I heard the message clearly that Mitch was getting accross.  what follows is a simple thank you note I sent to him.

Thanks Mitch.  I truly appreciate those that sincerely wish to help others.  I am finding this rewarding in many ways.  One of the first things I will be doing immediately is restructuring my work day (after looking in the mirror I made this decision).  I just have to remember how good it feels when you get productive.  I have spent many hours feeling sorry for myself and this just seems to swallow up every ounce of energy.  And the longer you sit and dwell on how bad your situation is, the deeper you seem to fall.  Soooooooo...."STOP IT" is what I literally yelled to myself.  I read some motivational Blogs on AR (like yours) and got moving again.

Do it now!


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Cameron Novak
The Homefinding Center - 1000 Palms, CA
Real Estate Broker since 2008

"Whether you think you can or can't.... YOU'RE RIGHT!"

You should read a few inspirational real estate books... it helps a lot.

Let's Rock!

Aug 10, 2008 06:45 PM