Many people ask what an agent should be doing to market a property. This question often surfaces when a seller is trying to choose the right agent for the job. Many opinions are tossed around and at times it may look like posturing by agents trying to compete with others when discussing the issue at a listing appointment.
However, one point - and probably the point every seller is looking to have explained is that the MOST effective marketing is always done with respect to targeting actual (qualified) buyers - not just "throwing your efforts out there like confetti" hoping that something will land on a prospect.
I view a lot of print marketing to the general audience as such. Good, positive and focused marketing takes time, effort and money. You should not only be asking what your agent is doing to market your home, but WHY he/she is doing those things. How effective does he/she think they will be? What type of audience will they affect and what kind of response should they expect from their efforts?
If their ideas make sense, then they're probably worth doing. A good agent finds a way to prospect to others who have qualified buyers who are interested in homes such as yours. To the sellers out there, If your agent is doing what they promised, stick with them - they care. But, please don't be shy about asking questions and possibly offering any creative ideas that you may have.
Your agent is a professional with much experience. However, they should always be open to your helpful ideas.
Hope this helps.