
Having Surgery! How do I keep up my work load?

Mortgage and Lending with Progressive Mortgage & Associates

To those how have known me for the last couple of years you would know that I am such a graceful (yeah right) person while walking - I have sprained my ankle three times! After being seen by a number of orthopedic doctors who couldn't find anything wrong with me other than being less than graceful and having hyper-mobility. For those who don't have it or have never heard of it, I am basically more limber than most people. Only way it has ever helped me was to be more flexible in Yoga! Anyway - I was referred to Tulane Medical Center and to a wonderful physician by the name of Dr. Rodriquez.

After speaking to me for a few mintues and watching my oh so graceful gait down the hall, he diagnosed me and has prescribed surgery!

Not for the faint of heart, he is going to basically remove my heel bone and realign it and tighten all my ligaments.  After 8 lovely weeks of being pampered and have to lug the boot that will be from my knee to my toes I will hopefully be free of the pain that has nagged me for a year and a half.

Now after that long and not so detailed story, my question is: I will be able to return to work after 2 weeks or so but how do I continue to build up my networking and generate some referrals?


Carol Knott
RE/MAX The Woodlands & Spring - The Woodlands, TX

I am one who rearely sits still but I have just had major surgery and was confined to home for two weeks. This past Tuesday was my first day to drive but I overdid yesterday and am not feeling well at all today. All that being said, use the time to do the things you do not normally have time to do. Write notes to past clients just saying hi, how's the home, thanks, anything. Blog every day and take time to read the blogs and comments. My referrals actually picked up in the last week! Good luck

Aug 14, 2008 04:15 AM
Emily Richard
Progressive Mortgage & Associates - Lake Charles, LA

Carol- Thank you for the suggestion. I will take your advise and work on getting all the little things I have put off done.  

I am worried that telling my clients I will be out for about two weeks will scare them and make them go to a competitor. I also think that I have built such a good realtionship with with them that they will stick with me. We'll see.


Aug 15, 2008 02:19 AM
Nechama Katan
Nechama Katan Consultants - Beaverton, OR

I worked for 3 months from a wheel chair (my answer to bed rest). My clients seem to think it was cute :-). I also did do some of those things that I had been putting off but could do with out running around. Continuing ed etc.  It is do-able. Your clients just need to see that you are still "there" for them.


Aug 15, 2008 03:11 AM
Carol Zingone
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty - Jacksonville Beach, FL
Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS

Emily - I have had several knee surgeries over the years, and I've always found my injury/recovery to be a great topic of conversation.  It's a great ice-breaker and you can spend a few minutes on that and then move onto another topic. Plus, people usually go out of their way to make you comfortable and try to help.

Aug 18, 2008 01:20 AM
Emily Richard
Progressive Mortgage & Associates - Lake Charles, LA

Nechama - I hope your answer to bed rest didn't hinder your recovery! I have contacted my clients and let them know I will be out but still reachable.


Carol - I am glad to hear your knee surgeries have gone well and you are able to use that in your conversations with clients.



Aug 25, 2008 01:57 PM