
It's time to seek Professional help when...

Managing Real Estate Broker with Howard Hanna Real Estate Services

...your assistant catches you sitting at your desk laughing your head off at Susie Blackmon's post with the "You suck at Photoshop" video in it.  Thanks Susie I really needed a laugh today.

Anyway, if you are already working with a business or sales coach, the point of recognition is already behind you.  You saw it and did something about it. Congratulations!

If you're not working with a business or sales coach, that point for you is either just in front of your face now, or at the bottom of this post - I hope.  I guess what I'm saying is that I feel VERY STRONGLY (oh, sorry) that Professionals in our business need a Professional Coach to get their business moving consistently upward. Did you do more this month than you did last month? Why not? Market owners don't accept downward sales trends and neither should you (remember we did establish that you are a professional business person).

I would be willing to bet that in almost any market in the country somebody's business is up from last year.  Check it out. Somebody out there is having a good year - why isn't it you?

When large corporations are having trouble they call in an expert, some kind of consultant to analyze and hopefully correct their problems.  Why don't they just get their management team together and figure it out themselves? I don't know why that doesn't work, it just doesn't. My degree in business management, my years of experience managing Military organizations, and my years managing Real Estate all validate this.  It could be 'the forest for the trees' thing or a million other reasons.  Bottom line: Seek Professional Help!

If you do a search for Real Estate training and coaching, you'll find plenty. And some of the pretty expensive too. Don't let this put you off. My favorite philosophy is always 'start in your own backyard.' Who do you know, and who can you reach out to? Your first stop needs to be your broker/manager. I'm not saying that because I am one, I'm saying that because that's what we are charged to do for our firms - speaking for me anyway. I consider it my personal mission to make myself available to my agents to help them build their business and break through the plateaus when they get stuck on one. As I'm writing this, (it has been all day...) I'm taking a break to do some coaching appointments, and Judy and I are filling up my calendar for next week. And it's not because I'm the greatest thing to hit Real Estate since the yard sign, but I can help my agents recognize what it is they they need to do to get back, and stay on track.

Take a professional athlete for example.  If you've been watching the Olympics lately, you hear lots of talk about this coach or that coach.  And they are not the household names in the sport, they are just good coaches. Even Tiger Woods has a coach, but have you ever heard of him as a great golfer?  A good coach makes a good professional great and the great professional a super star.

So if you're tired of looking at the downward trend of your sales chart, talk to someone about it. Find out what resources are available to you in your firm and make use of them! And if there aren't any, try your colleagues. Get help and get it today!

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Susie Blackmon
Ocala, FL
Ocala, Horses, Western Wear, Horse Farms, Marketing

Wow, I didn't realize you posted about my post.  Many thanks!  I appreciate it very much!


Aug 14, 2008 08:11 PM
Gita Bantwal
RE/MAX Centre Realtors - Warwick, PA
REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel

Good post. I agree there are many agents whose business is better this year than it was last year.

Aug 14, 2008 11:12 PM