I recently received an e-mail that was originated through ActiveRain from not only a spammer but a SCAMMER. Don't ya just hate those guys? If not for the fact that they are trying to pry my wallet open to take what they please they are simply insulting.
Why would anyone believe that an investor from England - wealthy widow no less - would actually want me - ME!? to handle her real estate investments in amerika (or so it was spelled by her affiable and capable assistant) Where in the heck is Donald Trump when you need him?
Don't ya just love it!?
Cracks me up.
So in appealing to my service provider for a solution to the ever increasing amounts of spam (scam), I found a very GOOD site for enlightenment on all sorts of spam, phishing and so forth.
Check out, http://onguardonline.gov/index.html
It is an excellent site and also has a couple very interesting and intuitive games called "The Friend Finder' and "The Case of the Cyber Criminal" as well as a few informative videos. These are also very good tools to help your kids look out for internet predators. This site comes from their parent Federal Trade Commision's site: http://www.ftc.gov/
All of us have the ability to be taken advantage of if a scam is of any reasonable quality. Lucky for us, most scammers look and act and think the way they appear to us through the net. As Forrest says, "Stupid is as Stupid Does!" (I think he said that, didn't he?)
Oh, buy the way! after getting the message in my profile page (because ActiveRain is superb in providing the originating IP address), I clicked on the IP and found out that the Queen's assistant actually operates out of Africa! Go figure.
Hope this helps!