Moving to Georgetown or Acton, Ontario?
A List of Who to Call Before you Move.
By Bill and Lia McNally, Real Estate Sales Reps.
Johnson Associates
Cogeco Cable and Internet:
Halton Hills Hydro (Combined billing with Water):
Bell Canada
Your area code + 310-BELL (2355)
Union Gas
Halton District School Board
Halton Catholic District School Board
To Make Sure you receive all your Mail:
Drop by your nearest post office and fill out a change of address form two weeks prior to your move. Canada Post will redirect your mail to your new address for a charge, for a certain period of time. This will ensure that you will get your mail should you forget to inform someone of your impending move.
A Checklist of Other People and Services to Inform:
-Athletic Clubs
-Finance Companies
-Stock Brokers
-Magazine and Newspapers
-Investment Companies
-Credit Cards
-Doctors office (including specialists)
-Drivers License
-Health Card
-Cell Phone Provider
-Professional Associations