
Top 10 Pet Peeves

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It happened again this morning.  I was lining up to enter the gym right behind this lady who, like me, appeared to be struggling with pre-dawn mobility.  She got to the double doors at the 24 Hour Fitness Center in our community, pulled it open, stepped through -- and let it go. I was less than three steps behind her.  The door slammed right in my face.  Despite having seen me, she didn't even look back. Neither before, nor after.

So, topping my list of pet peeves this week:
#1  People who go through building entries and don't look behind them before they let the door slam shut.

Other pet peeves that come to mind due to their proximity to my experience in the past week (in no particular order):

  • That guy who was talking loudly on his cell phone in the restaurant table next to me and my wife during dinner last weekend
  • That kid in the movie theater who insisted on texting during the movie and all the while clueless about the distracting bright glow emanating from his seat.
  • The punk who still finds flashing lasers at people and the theater screen funny.
  • The self-centered automobile driver who did a dead stop on a busy 3-lane road and then proceeded to back up diagonally across two lanes causing me (on my motorcycle) and several other drivers to brake and swerve.  He did this to re-align himself with the parking lot entrance to a strip mall.
  • Drivers who don't signal before they turn.
  • Motorcycle riders who split lanes on the freeway.  (There's no need for it and it gives the rest of us a bad rep.)
  • People who spit on the sidewalk.
  • People who text while driving.
  • That lady who was driving 10 MPH under the speed limit in the fast line while talking animatedly on her cell phone and waving her hands as she spoke.

Do any these strike a cord?