(scene I)
When I was about 12 years old. I worked in a livestock auction in Hialeah, Florida. Anything and everything went through that place. From bulls as big as pick-up trucks to chicks that could fit in a tea cup. All sorts of merchandise and machinery too. New and used...
We all know that auctioneers are known for their quick wit, and Bill Sampson was the best.
Well, one night Bill, was auctioneering off some AC unit that he had. Someone from the crowd shouted out, "Hey Bill, how many BTUs is it"???
(scene II)
Forty years later, while attending a class regarding HVAC, someone asked about BTUs. Before the instructor, DON NORMAN (past president of ASHI) could answer, I jumped up. There was just no way that I was going to miss this oppertunity!
So I then... finally... got to quote Bill Sampson
It goes like this;
" Listen fella, I don't know anything about BTUs, but I got a wife with a B-U-T as big as a T-U-B and it kept her happy"!
The first is THE BEST COMEBACK LINE EVER! , by Brian Foxworth