
Great Open Source HTML Editor!

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Edge Virtual Assistance

I made a new friend today! :)

Open Source NVU, it's an HTML Editor, it's an FTP client... it is everything I need in a neat little package and best of all it's Free! 

NVU certainly wont compete with your fancier web design software, but if you're a dedicated "codie" then this is just the tool for you! 

Take a peek at this link for more of's 46 Best-ever Freeware Utilities:


Ros Null



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Roberta Murphy
San Diego Previews Real Estate - Carlsbad, CA
Carlsbad Real Estate and Homes
Ros: Thanks for the link. It will make for good weekend exploration!
Sep 01, 2006 01:30 PM
Ros Null
The Edge Virtual Assistance - Buffalo, NY

My pleasure Roberta!

I was determined not to peek or download anything until the weekend, I failed in my quest... twice!

Sep 01, 2006 01:35 PM
Gerhard Ade
RSVP Real Estate - Seattle, WA
What sets me apart, will set you apart.
Ade HouseI've been using Ultra-Edit 32. I am using perhaps 10 percent of its capabilities, but it beats notepad.
Oct 08, 2006 07:28 PM