
Listing Marketing Coordination - How can a REVA help?

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Edge Virtual Assistance

What exactly does Listing Marketing Coordination include?

If you have heard about Listing Marketing Coordination, just one example of services offerred by Real Estate Virtual Assistants, but have no idea what this service covers,  read on...

I have drawn up a Process Model detailing the steps that I personally in my capacity as a REVA take when performing this service for clients.  All my services may be adjusted and tailored to fit the more specific needs of my clients, and this is just an outline schematic of some of the options:

Copyright - The Edge Virtual Assistance.  Please do not use this diagram without permission!


Listing Marketing Coordination Process

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Bonnie Erickson
Tangletown Realty - Saint Paul, MN
Ros, This is a great schematic and tool for marketing your services.  It makes me want to become a REVA!
Sep 01, 2006 04:47 PM
Ros Null
The Edge Virtual Assistance - Buffalo, NY

Hi Bonnie,

Thanks alot! It IS supposed to make you want to HIRE a REVA... hahaha!! ;)

If you ever need any help, give me a call! :)

Sep 01, 2006 04:55 PM
Dawn Shaffer Life is good!
Battle Ground, WA

Hey Ros,

We'd have fun working together!  Once real estate professionals have used us, they begin calling us *before* they list on MLS because they can no longer stomach the idea of being listed without a virtual tour. We can prepare their flyers using flat panoramas and stills taken during the tour. We send the flyers out through an eFlyer service to all county (about an 8 mi radius) REPs. We link the tour to their listing on for them. Not all REPs see the value for all listings. 

Featured Realtors (listing enhancement) on is still considered too expensive by most REPs here.

I respect the amount of work that your schematic represents.

Using your services allows them to concentrate on getting even *more* listings ( = investing their energy doing what they are best at). My guess is seeing this schematic "on paper" helps REPs understand how overwhelmed they are.

God bless you for your hard work!

Dawn Shaffer,

Sep 03, 2006 11:12 AM
Ros Null
The Edge Virtual Assistance - Buffalo, NY

We sure would!  The thing that I have noticed though is that there are still so many out there who are convinced that they cannot afford these types of services, and so instead they tie themselves to their computer trying to get it all done on their own, and wasting their valuable sales time!  (Also, the final products are not always as slick as they could be!)

I WISH I could find this article I read, it was about the value of delegating to a REVA (I actually think that your work is also part of the REVA niche... sort of)... but it spoke to the cost of hire vs. the cost of the agents time.  It broke it all down so beautifully, but it was one of those articles that I saw, thought I had bookmarked and just haven't come across again.  But there has been alot of talk in the press about it.  On my profile page I have included links to some Real Estate Magazines, that speak about the benefits aswell. 

I am really glad that you like the schematic.  It was suggested that we REVAs make a process model of exactly what we do and how we do it to show the amount of work involved instead of just saying "Yup, I take care of your new property leads".  It is actually alot more involved than you see here,... Pre-Listing Management and Marketing Tracking are two whole sub-charts of this one... I think I will make those two my blog posts for today...

Thanks for your feedback!



Sep 03, 2006 11:25 AM
Dawn Shaffer Life is good!
Battle Ground, WA

Yes! Expand to include evertying as sub-charts. You may find that during your presentation all you need to show are the basics. They can look the subcharts over later. I find that when people's "eyes start to glaze over" they've already reached "Info Overload" and nothing else is getting through. I've only got a small slice of time to get my point across before people have shut off.

The people you are targeting have "been there, done that," which is why they are talking to you ;) their gift in life is listing. Yours is "taking the ball and runnin' with it." Administration is a gift. Finding someone you can trust to do it, yet another.

You go, girl ;)


Sep 04, 2006 02:41 AM