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BPO List every Realtor needs. Leave The Competition in the Dust!

BPO List with instant Access to Over 400 BPO and REO Sources That Will Allow You to Build a Strong Foundation and Earn a Tremendous Income In the REO Industry

Dear Real Estate Professional,

BPO lists are hard to get a hold of as you know. If you are looking to work with Broker Price Opinion Companies or lenders wanting Broker Price Opinions and have been searching to find these companies, then your search is over.

The BPO list will give you access to lenders and REO asset management companies that you could never imagine existed. The great news is, you too can earn great extra income - or even have a very lucrative full-time business, just by registering with the right sources. The more companies you register with, the better your chances are of finding those “right ones” that pay off big time.

BPO List Can Help Your Real Estate Business Flourish During This Current Foreclosure "Boom". Experts Are Predicting That This REO Trend Will Be Around For a Long Time To Come.

Many Lenders, banks, and asset management companies are looking for professionals to do BPO Jobs for them since they are not in the real estate business - so they are constantly looking for professional Realtors and or Appraisers to create a relationship with and have them do these BPO jobs that comes across their table on a weekly basis. .

BPO List- What is it and How can it Help you…

Our BPO list consists of the most comprehensive database of lenders and asset management companies that exists today. Now you have the chance to become THE go-to agent for them and earn money performing BPO's and listing REO properties.

You'll often see contact information for REO asset management firms and lenders being sold for hundreds - even thousands of dollars

And what do you get for your money?

20…40…maybe even 150 companies. But what if you were to QUADRUPLE that and be able to get in touch with…

BPO List Include An Unheard-Of 400+ Companies That Assign REO's and BPO's to Agents!

bpo list image 1400+ different companies, looking for qualified, knowledgeable real estate professionals who can provide BPO's and quickly sell REO properties so that the banks can get back to doing what they do best - banking!

This is one of those often-overlooked extra income streams that most real estate agents don't know about. Those who do know aren't telling anything, because many of them (like me) make a super living by JUST listing REO's and doing BPO's for banks and lenders!

It's A Well-Guarded Secret -- The More Companies You Register With - The More Money You Can Make in the REO Industry!

Think About It - Just ONE New Client from Our BPO List Could Make You $10,000 Per Month in Commissions!

And the great thing is - this comprehensive, up-to-date list isn't going to cost thousands, or even hundreds of dollars.

For a very limited time - to help my fellow agents in a market that is exploding with bank foreclosures being listed every single day, I'm offering you the BPO List for…


bpo list coinBPO List for Less Than 25 Cents Per Company!



You can't even get a pack of gum for 25 cents anymore. This is truly one of those astounding real estate marketing bargains you don't find very often!

The grand total? Just $99.99! One BPO could more than pay for the cost of the whole list!

Real estate agents (and the asset managers they get orders from) have told me that this price is incredibly low considering the fact that you get over 400 companies you can register with to get BPO orders and REO listings.

That's why the price WILL go up to $149 (or higher) very shortly. Let's just say I like to give forward-thinking, fast-acting real estate professionals a discounted rate for being the first agent in their area to grab this list!

Now the question is…

BPO JOB WAITING- Will You Be That Agent?

The truth is… I'd hate for you to NOT buy - and then come back in a few days and see that the price has gone up. If that happens, I won't be able to give you the discounted rate.

That's why I encourage you to avoid disappointment and regret - and grab this list now for under $100 while you still can!

Here's What Other Real Estate Pros Are Saying About the BPO List!

I Would Recommend This List to Anyone!

I just wanted to say thank you for this list. I would have never thought that insurance companies have REO departments. Now I am getting regular business from them and loving it. I would recommend this list to anyone that wants to get into the BPO business.

Larry H.
Sacramento, California

I Started Getting Orders in the First Week!

I had no idea there were so many companies to register with to get BPO work. I had previously registered with 3 of the bigger name lenders and never got one assignment. When I got your list I registered with about 15 companies in the first week and started getting orders from 3 different companies. Thank you so much.

Stephanie R.
Pima, Arizona

Opened Up a Whole New World of Opportunity for Me...

I have bought several "courses" previously on how to get REO listings and they were all just a bunch of fluff with no value so the author could make money. After being burned several times, I wasn't looking for another course or instruction manual. I just wanted some real info that would help me grow my business. The info in this list opened up a whole new world of opportunity for me.

Scott G.
Buffalo, NY.


Now if THAT isn't enough to convince you of the extreme value of this package, then I'm afraid nothing will!

Plus - You Can Download the List Immediately and Start Registering with These Lenders! It really is that easy!

BPO List Click Below to Order Risk-Free!

P. S., If you're sick and tired of being burned by all those other low quality, high priced REO lists, get the only updated listing of 411 lenders, asset management companies and banks that are looking for real estate agents to list REO's and perform BPO's. Just one BPO could more than pay for this list!

For less than 25 cents per company - you can't afford NOT to get your hands on this valuable package.

Disclaimer: and the creators of REO Agent 411 are not affiliated with any bank, lender, mortgage company, or asset management firm. REO Agent 411 does not make any guarantee as to how many companies on our list will send you BPO orders or REO listings. Although we are confident that we offer the most complete list of companies to register with, we do not make any promises of income or amount of work you will receive

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Nance Burdette
Keller Williams Realty Partners - Spartanburg, SC

Congratulations on becoming a new member of ActiveRain. Being a new member myself going on my second week and only posting a few blogs so far I truly see the awsome advantage that this is; and only the beginning of a healthy and wealthy relationship of abundant professionals. Everyone has been so very kind.   Best of Luck to all of us,  Nance

Aug 19, 2008 02:51 PM
Charlottesville Solutions - Charlottesville, VA

I see that you are new to Active Rain and I just wanted to welcome you. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do and that you find it a great resource.

Aug 20, 2008 07:36 AM
Eric Auger
prudential Americana Group, Realtors - Las Vegas, NV

Hi there:

I just recently purchased a list of over 1,000 REO assets managers.

This is list is what got me started in the REO business. I thought I would share the info with you:

Mar 26, 2009 09:29 AM