Here are the details regarding the seminar my real estate investment group is sponsoring this Saturday, August 23rd in Scottsdale, AZ. We are sponsoring this, so it is free, but seating is limited. I've got a few tickets left, so please contact me to get registered if you are interested.
Our guest speaker with be Mark Kohler (Attorney, CPA, and Author) who wrote the best selling book, "Lawyers are Liars: The Truth About Protecting Your Assets" and he will be discussing tax planning and legal strategies for real estate investors. No matter what you know about real estate or tax planning, you are sure to learn something that can save or make you lots of money over the long haul.
Here is a snap shot of what you will learn:
- Why Multiple 6-Figure Income earners pay less taxes than individuals earning $50,000 per year.
- How different legal entities can benefit you as an individual, real estate investor, or business owner.
- How to earn money in the real estate market - regardless of what the market is doing!
I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you soon before the tickets are all gone. Even if you don't live in town, it's worth the cost of driving or flying out.
Wishing you success!
P.S. - You need to register by Tomorrow at noon so I can get you in the system and have your ticket emailed to you. Contact me at 800-453-9290 or anthony(@)