I recently lost a listing of a very good client and friend. It is my understanding from the email I received from my sellers that this agent solicited the listing during the listing period. And I can actually prove several of the facts. Such as an email from my seller stating that they would be lying if they said they had not been approached by another agent and guess what else the following day upon checking the lockbox I noticed this agent had indeed been in the home. My question is this, is it productive and a waste of time to complain on this unethical agent? I lost the listing about a month ago and recently found out that the agent with the listing across the street also just withdrew their listing that was also solicited by this agent. I think this unethical and unscrupulous SOB needs to be stopped but is it worth the time and effort to fight with him/her? Should I just sit back and hope he will be sued for misrepresenting SQFT and material facts. Now karma is a funny thing because my husband who is also an agent recently placed a renter in one of this SOBs listings. We recently received several emails from the tenant (who is a major executive here in town) it was drafted to the agent in question and slammed him and his business practices or lack thereof. You dont know how bad I wanted to post her letter on YouTube. What is an agent to do??