For years there has been a discussion about getting freeway access to Queen Creek.With the recent downturn in the economy, the issue appears to be on the back burner. The proposals that have been put forth are all very expensive.
The main problem getting to Queen Creek is A) the roads are too narrow, and B) there are numerous intersections to traverse before you get to your destination, and that's a big issue at rush hour.
When I lived in the Middle East, the engineers with the Public Works Department, when confronted with a similar problem, came up with a solution that worked: flyovers. They bought them in Italy, prefabricated, and had them shipped out. They were quickly installed, and paved over. The difference was amazing; in a short time, the traffic flowed again. Where you have large numbers of cars exiting, have the cars get off the highway the previous exit, and take a frontage road. Do not have exits at the really busy intersections. The cars getting off one intersection earlier will accumulate on the frontage road, yet with today's technology, the time span for lights can be monitored and controlled, so the congestion should be minimized(Ellsworth/Ocotillo).Cars could proceed smoothly to their destinations; only relatively less congested flyovers would have exits.
In this time of small budgets, and assuming that Queen Creek will grow more slowly going forward, perhaps this would be a lower cost solution, at least for the near term future. Right of way costs for any of the other freeway arteries proposed will be costly, as will the construction; maybe a short term fix would work satisfactorily/