Highlands Ranch Pets - Dog Parks in Highlands Ranch CO
Featuring Digger's Dog Park in Highlands Ranch
Here is a third dog park in Highlands Ranch Colorado for your dogs to run free, and make some new friends. There are several dog parks in Highlands Ranch. You heard about Hound Hill Dog Park and Rover's Run in our previous blogs, and today's feature is on Digger’s DogPark at Dad Clark Park.
Digger's Dog Park is fairly centrally located within Highlands Ranch. It is at 3385 Asterbrook Circle, west of Fairview Parkway and Summit View Parkway, near Heritage Elementary School. That address can be a bit misleading since the dog park is a short walk on a paved trail behind Dad Clark Park's Playground and past the community garden,which by the way had some nice tomatoes and peppers growing.Below is a view from the dog park south toward the Dad Clark Park which is down the hill to the left.
There are also a few other trails branching of the Dad Clark Park that you can explore, if your dog doesn’t mind putting their leash back on. Dad Clark Park, as well as Digger’s, opens at 7 a.m. and closes at sunset.
Digger's Dog Park is on a sloping hill, fenced in, similar in size to Hound Hill. You can sit at the picnic tables and see your pups in the other end of the area, unless they are hiding behind a tree. Like at Hound Hill, water is available during irrigation months. But is may be a good idea to bring your own water for your dogs, just in case.
Here is a reminder of the dog park rules for Highlands Ranch Dog Parks:
- You must pick up after your dog(s)
- You must carry a leash with you at all times
- You must be at the park with your pet(s)
- Dogs must be leashed when you enter and exit the park and under voice control at all times
- Aggressive dogs and dogs in season are not permitted
- Dogs must be vaccinated
- Children must be supervised by an adult
With the weather cooling off and the last weeks of summer coming up, go out and let your dogs have a ball!
Below are some Highlands Ranch and Littleton Pet links for you
Puppy Paddle pool fun for dogs
Dippity Dog Mobile Salon Services
Hound Hill Dog Park in Highlands Ranch
Rover's Run Dog Park in Highlands Ranch
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