
Click to Help the Animals--Free Site That Helps Homeless Pets

Services for Real Estate Pros with ZipRealty Residential Brokerage 46553

To All of My Fellow Animal-Friendly Associates and Friends:

I've had this bookmarked on my computer for a long time now. If you can remember to click on it, you can, with the assistance of the sponsors, provide food for homeless pets around the country at the Animal Rescue Site.

 Of course, part of the reason behind this is that they hope you will support the sponsors who offer all kinds of pet merchandise. I've never been spammed by anyone and have used clicked once a day on the button provided to get food donated. It's a nice thing to do and it's totally free so if you're looking for one simple thing you can do to help the animals, bookmark the page and click daily!


Debbie Malone
Londeree's Real Estate & Property Management - Lynchburg, VA
From Lynchburg To The Lake (434) 546-0369
Thanks Irene, What a great idea.
Mar 28, 2007 03:35 PM

Thank you for sharing, this is a wonderful site and great idea!

Wish they would add Prostate Cancer to their menu also.

 Barbara Erskine, Real Estate Virtual Assistant





Mar 29, 2007 02:51 AM
Irene Potter
ZipRealty Residential Brokerage - Maple Valley, WA
Creating moving experiences in real estate

Debi and Barbara, there was recently word sent out that these sites haven't been receiving enough clicks per day. I hope that you and everyone else stopping by will support these great programs!

Mar 29, 2007 09:58 AM
Roberta Lee
Century 21 Olde Tyme - Norco, CA
Norco Corona Riversid Homes For Sale

girl and dog

What a wonderful idea!  Thank you for sharing it with us.  I have book marked it and will go daily. 

May 11, 2007 04:54 PM