
Business Network International (I tried it)

Home Inspector with Cartier Fine Home Inspections, LLC

I was invited to a business networking group called "Business Networking International" this morning. A Realtor from our Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce mentioned that they needed a Home Inspector in there group. The meeting started at 7:30 AM sharp. You get points if you are there on time and points taken away if you are late. I was a guest this morning so that didn't matter. I was on time anyway.

I was introduced and asked to give an intro to my Home Inspection business. When I finished everyone clapped. Then everyone began to give a one minute intro to their business or occupation. What is unique is that there can only be one representative from any area of business. One Realtor. One Mortgage Lender. One Banker. One Insurance person. One Mary Kay consultant. One Wine Store owner, etc. I was soaking in all the info that I could.

They were so friendly and interested in each others businesses. At the end of the meeting they began to pass out referral slips which they had gotten to help the others in this group. It was amazing how they acted like a family.

I was offered an opportunity to be the Home Inspector in this BNI group and am seriously considering it.

Check for a BNI group in your area.

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D.J Skelding
Safeguard Inspection Services, Inc. - Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee Home Inspections

I'm a member of BNI in Wisconsin and have found it to be a very valuable resource in so many ways.  It allows you to present your company to a group of people who have your upmost attention and are willing and wanting to learn about you and the services you have to offer.   So telling them what you do and how you do it builds a trust and a knowledge base so they're able to reference you with the comfort of knowing they're providing a valuable resource to others.

I've recieved more home inspections than the cost of my yearly dues along with the opportunity to extend my referral base which is all important in this business.  And with a referral calling you wanting your services well, they're already excited about you and are more than willing to continue sending your name along to family and freinds.  BNI also sponsers courses that'll help your business grow such as the GEMS course.  It's a wonderful course that explains the concept of "speaking to people the way THEY want to be spoken too". 

All in all I'd recommend you give it a try, you'll definatly get out of it what you're willing to put into it and then some.

Mar 29, 2007 03:59 AM
Jerome Cartier
Cartier Fine Home Inspections, LLC - Fairhope, AL
Cartier Fine Home Inspections

Thank You D.J.,

It looks like a Win-Win situation. Education and Income sounds very good. Keep up the good work up in Wisconsin. The weather is terrible here today. It's sunny and 85 degrees.

Jerome Cartier

Mar 29, 2007 05:54 AM