

Real Estate Agent with Debby Bright, Real Estate Broker

According to a recent article from “Business Week,” luxury homes in the Silicon Valley are selling as strong as ever. No mention of those properties below a million dollars, but that market is stronger than most, especially in those areas mentioned in the article, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Cupertino and Los Altos CA

Lorena Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC

Hello, welcome to Active Rain! This seems like a wonderful environment to network as well as learn from others. I hope you enjoy yourself and participate often in the Active Rain environment!

Oct 03, 2008 02:50 AM
Kirk Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC Realtor -Short Sale Expert! - Greenville, SC
Kirk Westervelt, Broker In Charge, Van West Realty - CDPE - Short Sale Agent - Home for Sale - Greenville, Simpsonvil...

Hello and welcome to Active Rain! I encourage you to learn from others, share your knowledge and experiences with all of us, enjoy yourself, and try to log in and join us in the Active Rain community as frequently as possible. I look forward to your future blogs and comments! Take care, --Kirk.

Oct 03, 2008 04:08 AM