
Frisco Texas Housing statistics for July 2008

Real Estate Agent with Citiwide Real Estate Services 0577763

Current housing stats for Frisco Texas as of July 2008

Average selling price - $308,325
# of closed sales - 225

Average days on the market by price range 


101k - 150k      -       50
151k - 200k      -       63

     0 - 100k      -      NONE

201k - 300k      -       88
301k - 500k      -     172
501k - 750k      -     239
751k +             -     270

Sales price as a percent to list price - Homes below $300k sold at 98% of List price

      0 - 100k    -    NONE
101k - 150k    -    98.8%
151k - 200k    -    98.5%
201k - 300k    -    98.0%
301k - 500k    -    95.3%
501k - 750k    -    96.1%
751k +            -    94.3%

Percent of sales by price range - 38.2% of homes sold were between $200k-$300k

      0 - 100k     -    NONE
101k - 150k     -       6.7%
151k - 200k     -     27.1%
201k - 300k     -     38.2%
301k - 500k     -     19.1%
501k - 750k     -       6.3%
751k +            -       2.7%


Landon Simmons
Citiwide Real Estate Services - McKinney, TX

Sorry, I am not sure why the spacing is off.  Activerain and Microsoft word are not liking each other today.  Check out for more.

Aug 25, 2008 08:58 AM