I have been a Realtor since the late 90's. Within a month of getting in the business, I got married and my husband and I purchased our first home. We lived in it for 6.5 years and when I listed a fantastic larger home, we decided it was time to move.
(This was my first home.)
My clients had the home built a year before and when I was working with them, I remember thinking that I could easily live in that house. Less than one year later, their plans changed and they listed it with me. After having it on the market for about a month, my husband I decided to purchase it. I was highly confident that my own home would sell quicker than my client's home, as mine was more of an "average" priced home for the city.
I called my seller and let him know the exciting news. We wanted his house and were willing to accept his terms provided he give me a month to get my home sold. I promised him I would have my home on the market within 5 days. WHAT WAS I THINKING????
We hadn't even planned on moving, so we were no where near ready to put our home on the market. Those five days were absolutely NUTS! Were we crazy? APPARENTLY! It was mid-June and all of my other clients were buying and selling. So we decide to throw a move in of our own during this busy time? Insanity I tell you...insanity!
There was no backing down at this point. Not only was I trying to get my client's home sold for him, but I WANTED THAT HOUSE!!! So we worked, and worked, and worked some more and by the following Monday we listed our home. We made sure to price it right at $200,000 to ensure we wouldn't miss anyone looking only up to $200k. If I hadn't wanted to sell it at warp speed, I probably would have put it about $210,000 or so, but I didn't want to miss this other house!
As soon as we went on the market, we had showings after showing. People were calling constantly wanting to see the home. During this process, I decided that it was a really good thing that we were doing this. This was the first house I had ever owned, thus it was the first time I'd ever sold my own home. Why was it such a good thing? Honestly, selling my own home gave me a new perspective. It gave me a new appreciation of what we, as Realtors, put people through while their home is on the market! I have listed homes for folks time and time again, but I'd never had firsthand experience. I always knew what to tell a seller, but I had never felt what they feel, so I was always a little more detached. Not anymore! I clearly understand what they go through.
I learned quite a bit from this experience!
Don't Take Showings SO Personally. We had SO many showings that it was hard to face the fact that someone would look at my own personal home and not want to immediately submit an offer to purchase. How could they not love MY home? When an offer came in (after 11 days), I was SO excited! They liked my house! Strange, but that's exactly how I saw it. I didn't see it as them wanting to purchase a piece of real estate as I've normally looked at it. I was flattered that they wanted to live in MY home! We negotiated and everyone got what they wanted.
De-Cluttering and Staging Works! After 10 days on the market, frustration had set in. I thought the house looked good, but something wasn't clicking with all of these showings. I invited an associate over to preview the home. She is a dear friend and always upfront and honest so I knew she would tell me the honest truth, even if it hurt! She told me I had too much stuff in my basement.
The next morning, I got up early, headed over to U-Haul and rented a storage space. It was the last day of the month in June. I asked the salesman if he had a small truck I could rent. He looked at me as though I had two heads. He said, "Umm...it IS the last day of the month, but I'll go check." He came back shocked and amazed and said he had a tiny truck that I could take until 2pm. I left my car there and took the U-Haul home, surprising my husband with it! We cleared out most of our basement, only keeping the bare necessities in order to stage it nicely. We had two showings later tat day, and the offer came in that night! Would they have liked the home with everything in the basement? Maybe...but why take the chance? It took us only about 5 hours and we sold the home that night.
It's Not Over Until Everything Is Signed! The day before closing, my husband and I were out looking at refrigerators to have one delivered to the new house. My cell phone rang while I was there and it was the buyer's agent. "We have a problem." HUH? Why was I just now hearing of this the day before closing? I won't bore you with the details of the problem, but it was something serious enough to put a stop to the closing if it couldn't be fixed. My thoughts started going a mile a minute. "I have to call my client and tell him there might be a delay...fantastic." "The movers are already scheduled." "I've got four closings tomorrow; I don't have time for this!" Long story short - everything ended up working out okay, but the stress was overwhelming.
Moving day came and we moved to our new home and closed on the sale of our first home and the purchase of our second home. We were exhausted by the time it was over, but all in all it was a good move. Honestly? I really am glad that I did it so that I can really empathize with my clients who are trying to sell their homes. Selling my own home gave me a new perspective and it feels good!