Recently I have come to realize the common saying "people spend what they make" used to be true, but it no longer is. A problem I see is that credit cards are overly accessible, and people have the ability to charge what they can't afford. I think of how my life was before credit cards, and I had a lot less freedom, but I also had a lot less stress. My challenge for myself this year is to cut up credit cards, and start spending what I make, not spending more than I make. Is anyone else feeling the same way?
Welcome to the Active Rain Community! This is a great site to network, learn, and share ideas with others. Have a great day! And by the way I agree with you 100%!
Kimberly - Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post. Be sure to spend some time looking around at what and how others are blogging here. It is a great education and lots of fun. Looks like you're off to a great start...keep it up!
I wanted to welcome you to active rain! This site is a great place for learning, as well as sharing. I've been here a year, and can trace some serious commission income to the referrals and clients I've generated from it. My advice is to blog often, and blog about a variety of things. People want to learn about you. Good luck!
Welcome to Active Rain! For some tips on how to get started here, check out my blog entry at ActiveRain Fast-Start Tips for Quick and Easy Points
Happy blogging and good luck!
May I be one of the first to welcome you to Active Rain - a great place to share ideas, thoughts and perspectives. Enjoy!
Welcome to Active Rain! This is a great site for lead generation and information. We all share idea's & thoughts with everyone. If you have someone relocationg to South Carolina Area, I'm your team. Enjoy blogging and have fun!
Hi, welcome to Active Rain! I hope to see more of your blogs in the future. Learn from others, share your knowledge and experiences and enjoy yourself! Take care! ---Kirk.
Welcome to Active Rain!! This is a great site to network and share ideas!! Have fun with it!!
While I completely agree with you on this point, it is still VERY beneficial for you to use your credit cards! Just use them wisely (is that's even possible nowadays!)
I cant tell you how many times I have had borrowers with the same mentality. Then they cut up their cards or stop using them because they don't want the hassle. While their thinking is very smart, they are hurting themselves!! Most lenders require a certain amount of trade lines to be open when they qualify you for a loan. Good credit history is a MUST. If you don't have any, they have nothing to go on. I suppose you could use supplemental credit history, but even then some lenders don't accept that!
My advice is to keep one or two open. Use them sparingly and pay them off right away. Thats what I do and my credit score is above a 780. I wish there was some other way, I would love to not have to use them!!!
Congratulations on signing on as a new member of ActiveRain. Being a new member myself going on my third week and only posting a few blogs so far I truly see the awsome advantage that this truly can be; and only the beginning of a healthy and wealthy relationship of abundant professionals. Everyone has been so very kind. Hope to see your blogs in the future. Best of Luck to all of us, Nance
Hello, welcome to Active Rain! This seems like a wonderful environment to network as well as learn from others. I hope you enjoy yourself and participate often in the Active Rain environment!