
WHY I Love Sonoma County

Real Estate Agent with Healdsburg's Sothebys International Realty

What makes me Love Sonoma County

Sheila Giovan with horse in Sonoma CountyWhere else in the United States can you be living in a remarkable Mediterranean climate with temperate winters and ideal summer weather often accented with morning fog followed by warm sunny afternoons.  We rarely have any rain in the summer as well as a surprising lack of big flying bugs and delightful humidity free weather.

Sonoma County also can boast about its recreation bonanza. Besides the wine country activites, we have the second largest agricultural activity with our horse population. There are unlimited areas to ride along the beach, in the mountains and in Spring Lake Park from the walking trailnational, county, and local parks with dedicated trails.  In the heart of Santa Rosa lies a hidden gem of a three part park, Howard Park with Lake Raphine, Spring Lake Park and Annadel State Park. Even in the rainy season, one can enjoy a paved four mile walk around Spring Lake. Lake Elsanjoe is located in the heart of Annadel Park and once you reach it, not a single dwelling is visible. You are truly in heaven. The trails are well maintained and are open to runners, walkers, horseback riders and bicycles. In addition, Spring Lake has a great camping ground to enjoy the beauty of the park. Nearby in Point Reyes National Park one can immediately be challenged by the rugged, and steep terrain. One had better be in excellent shape to keep up with these trails.

Another wonderful park is Jack London State Park located in the Valley of the Moon. Horses are available for rent and they have a great rental string. The park is huge and can take all day to see it all along with the museum dedicated to the fascinating life of Jack London.

When I travel to Dallas from the San Francisco airport, I often ask my fellow travelers where they visited while they vacationed in California. Almost all say enthusiastically that they came for the wine country experience. I always want to pinch myself to realize that I live here.

Besides our pristine countryside, we can easily travel to the Pacific Ocean which offers the most spectacular coast. When I first moved here from Los Angeles, my family would often visit Salmon Beach with its spectacular beach and thundering waves.Bodega Church in Sonoma County, Birds movie In the small town of Bodega you can revisit the location of some of the scenes from the "Birds". Further along the road you can visit Bodega Harbor with two excellent restaurants that overlook the harbor. Around the harbor is a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean with towering waves. A great place to visit, but do not try to go swimming.

When you have extra time don't forget to visit the town of Mendocino with its rugged New England flavor. If you visit in the winter during a storm you'll never forget the power of the ocean and its huge waves.

I have enjoyed living more than half my life in Sonoma County. Once you experience the joys of our fabulous countryside, unparallel restaurants, recreation with walking, hiking, excellent golf courses, tennis facilities, horse experiences, you can't think of living anywhere else.

Sheila Giovan


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Neal Barnes
Starstate Realty - Killeen, TX

Hi Sheila  -  You have a nice looking blog.  Welcome to ActiveRain.  I look forward to networking with you and reading your future post.  Have a great day!!!

Dec 16, 2008 02:22 PM