Where does it end? Smart phones, websites, internet access, virtual tours, call capture, Top Producer, and so on - all at a "nominal" monthly fee that can add up to mucho bucks. It is important to know which technologies have a return on the dollar. It is refreshing that at least ActiveRain is free. What technologies do you think have the highest return?
Being new to the the whole real estate world I would have to say the best tool I have is my Blackberry. It has the internet and I get all emails right at my finger tips where ever I go....
Keeping up with the Jones's is getting harder and harder. But we live in a world of instant gratification. We must keep up.
Try never wow once we learn something we are all ready behind the ball when new is coming out. We are like rats on wheel never stopping LOL> have a great weekend.
I am fortunate that I belong to an agency that provides many things ie contact manager program, that other agents have to pay for. There are so many "free" sites available on the Internet that we should all take advantage of. I make my own slide shows or virtual tours from the photos of my listings and post them on YouTube; whcih then posts to other sites includingFacebook (also free). Living in what is considered a "rural" area of NY my most valuable tech toys are my GPS and Blackberry. You have no idea how many people steal the signs from country roads!
Marcy, I would have to say the greatest return on investment is ActiveRain. Where else can you get a great lead generation system for the price? Second, would have to be my car navigation system. It's easy to get bogged down in technology, if you aren't careful.
I would echo comments that Blackberry is the best bang for the buck! Getting into email is faster on my Blackberry than my tablet laptop, which by the way is my second choice...I have an HP Pavilion Tablet laptop---it's awesome.
I am swamped with technology, 4 mls systems, laptop, blackberry, gps, multiple cameras, visual tour technology, microsoft outlook, online document storage for contracts, my own server and multiple users and assistants. All of this is meaningless compared to our ability to sell property. It is the contact you make with the client that matters. As soon as I start depending on the technology to do my job I see productivity decline. Do not think that you can get away from picking up the phone and making that call.
Technology is great and we need to stay up to date and offer what the competition is offering - but there is one thing that technology can never match and that is the personal touch - face to face contact where people get to meet you. This is where you can really shine, this is when your potential clients realize that you are honest and dependable. After in person, then a phone call or a handwritten note - these are the things that have brought me repeat business over the past 14 years.