Just a laugh for any of you that have "assistants" on your team at home! :-)
1.) If you have ever had your toddler say, "Look at my picture, Mama!" and looked up to realize that his new piece of art was on the back of p.3 of your latest Offer To Purchase and Contract.
2.) If you have ever had your baby crawl over and turn the computer off in the middle of writing a contract.
3.) If you have ever had to hide in the garage during a phone conversation with a client so that they couldn't hear your kids screaming in the background.
4.) If you have ever had your sitter bail on you right before an inspection and had to hold your child back from crawling under the house with the inspector.
5.) If you have ever searched the house for your name tag before a listing presentation only to find that it had become the latest teething toy.
6.) If you have ever shown a house to a young, expecting couple and couldn't help but make a mental list of everything in the house that would have to be baby-proofed.
7.) If you have ever shown a house where there was evidence of toddlers and you wanted to find the mom selling the house and just hug her because you knew the pain she went through to have the house ‘show' that well.
8.) If you have ever arrived at a meeting with a client, pulled their folder out of your briefcase and had a graham cracker fall out.
9.) If you have ever had your child color postcards for you in a creative approach to farm a neighborhood.
10.) If you have ever come home from a rough sales meeting, had an offer not be accepted, etc. and came home feeling down, but right away two pudgy, sticky hands wrapped around you and a little voice said, "I love you, Mama."