With gas prices high and the environment precious, to be able to bike to work is more than fun and a great way to stay fit. Of course, this isn't often possible with Realtors. There is often several houses miles from each other that the clients wishes to see. The weather may be problem, espcially for those Realtors outside the great State of Florida. But, I live on a small Island, Fort Myers Beach, seven miles long. For Realtors living on this Island or in a simialr situation, one beautfiul day, try biking to that Open House. Instead of showing off your stylish car, try showing off your stylish (or rusty old) bike. Your clients may even be impressed, and jealous that you ride to work on your bike. If so, next showing, tell them to bring their bikes.
what a great idea. I live in Costa Rica and this is something that I could easily do with my clients
I have a subdivision listed with a model home that is just 2 1/2 blocks from my house. I ride my bike all the time!
How do you transport your Open HOuse signs on your bike? I live just a little north of you on a small island also. I could bike to a cafe for a glass of wine but probably not to an open house. It does sound romantic!
Must be a growing trend as I just posted a blog and link to a newspaper article yesterday about a Portland Oregon agent who is using this to grow her business! I think its a great way to market!
I read an article recently that there is growing demand for housing near bike trails. I guess in those neighborhoods riding to a showing would be required...
If I ride my bike to any showings in my neighborhood, I am going to get some great exercise! I wish I could though.
Lucky, my listings are 400 miles apart...I have a friend who is buiding home around walking and riding trails..Good for you..