Many times the topic of HOA's comes up: they're run by petty despots, they are unreasonable, the rules are laughable, the enforcement is draconian, etc. I don't live within an HOA,but have experienced similar types of rules while overseas.
Having lived overseas for many years, I can say that there are sometimes restrictions imposed that have nothing to do with an HOA, but just local customs. For example, do not have the kids and dogs out making noise between 1 and 3 PM in Germany, unless you want a visit from the local constabulary; this is "rest time", and only the very smallest noises are tolerated. Don't even think of parking the car facing into traffic; the ticket will be there in a jiffy.Forget about leaving the garbage can out past evening. Switzerland has areas that are very sensitive to noises after 10 PM; the police might visit your relatively subdued party by 10:10 PM,so be prepared to turn off the music, and close the windows.
Of course, then there are the places that have virtually no rules. In the Middle East, you could walk out of your home to see a couple of camels daintily eating the Morning Glory plants on your garage roof. A herd of goats being herded by has similar results, only all of your flowers disappear in an instant. Sure, I could have kept my coutyard gate closed, but where's the fun in that?
HOA's can be a problem, but mostly they are there to keep up the look and feel of a community.It doesn't always work perfectly, yet it might be worse.Be active in the HOA, and avoid letting the folks with nothing better to do run things.