
Coupons or Not?

Home Inspector with Cartier Fine Home Inspections, LLC

I just received a call, So-n-So is offing a  $$$$$ coupon off his/her home inspection. Well, I would like to know your thoughts on giving coupons. Do they help you get more business or is it a marketing tool you would rather do without.

If you use coupons, would you give examples for others to see and how do you offer these coupons to you prospective clients. I am interested in seeing and hearing how coupons help your Home Inspection business.

Jerome Cartier                                                 

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Bob Elliott
Elliott Home Inspection - Chicago, IL
Chicago Property Inspection

Jacob I am not the all knowing guru by any means,but do have the mentality that the actions of a few can and will help or hinder the many.

Stop and reread what you posted from a third person viewpoint.

One time coupon?.Yeah I guess you can not have those same home buyers take advantage of you every week.

Don it is admirable that you care about military personal but diffuses my point.

Do you offer them discounts from your heart or do you simply use this as a sales gimmick.?

When you discount a service you subconsciously whether you know it or not do a little less for that client.




May 15, 2007 10:56 PM
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Active Rain is A pain in the ass - Dallas, TX

Hi Bob, thanks for your "3rd party" point of view.

My coupons will be given out at specific Real Estate offices, not the individuals themselves.  Therefore a need for either a one use or expiration date or both.

Who says you do less with a coupon?  You do?  If I've gotten new business from a promotion I'm running using a coupon, I'm going to do the same great job I strive for each time I go out.  I'm not sure why anyone would think you would do less, unless you don't plan on being in business very long.

Maybe your getting a promotional coupon confused with a cheap inspector/inspection.  You have no idea where my price point is, or the discount.  Maybe I'm offering a dollar amount off my WDI, or pool and spa, or a package inspection?

Have another cup of coffee and good luck at your inspection.




May 16, 2007 01:07 AM
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Active Rain is A pain in the ass - Dallas, TX


That is the way I see it.  There will only be a couple of offices I plan to offer the coupon to (very near to where I live).  Will they ever get used?  Who knows?  It's a promotion.    It's not designed to "get an inspection".  It's designed to increase my business and presence in the area.  The idea is someone keeps your card or flyer or brochure since there is a discount listed on it.

It's not very different from a local HVAC company who offers a free service check with duct cleaning.  Or my dealership who offers a discount on a radiator and transmission flush together.  They are promoting their services.


May 16, 2007 01:47 AM
Bob Elliott
Elliott Home Inspection - Chicago, IL
Chicago Property Inspection

Let me put it this way.

When you are shopping for a good lawyer ,do you look for the guy with the biggest discount hmmm.

If you see one advertising such a thing how do you feel about his services and level of experiance.

This is only my personal opinion but feel it smacks of desperation.

Personaly I avoid price shoppers at all costs and will be happy to refer all of them to you.

Now just today I did a new construction inspection with gas turned off,and told my client I will be happy to do another walkthrough at no charge.

I will be checking model and serial numbers for recall,took 45 photos,and when I do condo's, request access to the roof and common areas.My prices are already reasonable and would be taking a loss if I went around discounting for volume.As my time is valuable and so is yours.

I do not know another inspectors price point but maybe the idea is to raise my price 20% and then come out with a twenty percent off coupon.I suppose that is marketing 101 but would like to treat my chosen profession with dignity and respect.

I suppose we all do what we gotta do,but when I get that desprate,at least for me it will be time to move on.

Personaly I suspect that when enough of us are discounting,the best ones will do exactly that.

For a  new guy there are two ways for generating business:

1] Do a good job and build a solid rep with client and agents alike.(takes longer but good longevity)

2] Buy your way in (faster but not so good for the long term}

P.S guess what my advertising budget is




May 16, 2007 05:08 AM
Bob Elliott
Elliott Home Inspection - Chicago, IL
Chicago Property Inspection

Just an addendum.

You may have the last word as I feel stongly on this subject,but in a sense you are my brother and I have no desire to squabble.

Each of us follows the beat of their own drum.

May 16, 2007 05:18 AM
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Active Rain is A pain in the ass - Dallas, TX

No squabble here,  it will lead nowhere.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. 

Good luck on all your endeavors.



May 16, 2007 05:46 AM
Steven Turetsky
Comprehensive Building Inspections & Consultants - Staten Island, NY
Building Moisture Analyst

I never want to get a job... any job, because I am the cheapest. But I do promise to give you your money's worth. I'll tell you something else, anytime I ever give a "the cheapest" price, I end up regretting it and they are always the  "nightmares". I'm going through one of those right now. Read - I am FUMING

TODAY, I was asked by a new client in a hi-rise condo opposite Lincoln Center, NYC, if what I was charging her was "expensive"?

My answer was, " you could find it for less and you could find it for more. But that I was probably somewhere towards the higher end. I explained that besides building a condo upstairs, I was a New York State Home and Building Inspector.

She asked me if I would do more work for her and asked me if I would inspect a house that they are buying in Rye, New York... all mansions. 

I respect the idea of discounts to GI's, they deserve it.



May 16, 2007 12:18 PM
Vicki Watzlawick
CORE Realty (The Watz Team) - Algonquin, IL
Illinois Foreclosure Expert, The Watz Team
As a Broker Owner of a Real Estate Company, I can tell you several Home Inspectors leave coupons at the office and never once have I seen any of my realtors take them and give them to their clients.  I think it's a waste of your marketing dollars.  An idea might be to print a little coupon within your brochure, because the agents grab the brochures!  Their clients want to know how long you have been in business, what you cover, etc. so I think that incorporating them together would get them more exposure.
May 17, 2007 05:50 AM
Steven Turetsky
Comprehensive Building Inspections & Consultants - Staten Island, NY
Building Moisture Analyst


That is great information. If I decide to do a brochure, I will certainly keep that in mind.

I would like your opinion about the difference a coupon, in general, really makes. If you have a nice brochure, and maintain a good relationship, does a twenty five dollar coupon really make that much of a difference? Or is there a better offer? Or is just having a good reputation really what it takes? The jobs will come.


May 17, 2007 10:51 AM
Bob Elliott
Elliott Home Inspection - Chicago, IL
Chicago Property Inspection

Hi Vicki...My name is Bob Elliott I do the best job for your client and mine I do not offer discounts but instead offer high class services that include:

Be available when needed

Maintaining friendly but professional relationship with all involved.

Explaining and reporting findings in plain English.(with lots of photo illustration)

Free second vist if needed

That is the extent of my marketing as I do not pay bird dog fees,make false promises,or bring donuts to meetings.

I will show up on time,care about my client and treat the clients agent,listing agent,and seller with respect.

Two and one half years in business and just going in full time as I hope to build thru reputation and doing good work.

Thank you (for any concideration)

Bob Elliott...773-410-2896


May 17, 2007 12:11 PM
Steven Turetsky
Comprehensive Building Inspections & Consultants - Staten Island, NY
Building Moisture Analyst

Well stated Bob,

But if I come all the way to Chi City to visit you, can we get some doughnuts? We don't have to give them to anybody, we can eat them all ourselves and if you don't want your's, I'll eat it too.

What is the second visit about. Are you talking reinspections? Do you offer free reinspections? I offer reinspections for a fee, but in many cases will not charge, but is my option. Especially if ut's an unofficial pass by. Once something is needed in writing I tend to look at it differently. It also depends on distance.




May 17, 2007 02:02 PM
Bob Elliott
Elliott Home Inspection - Chicago, IL
Chicago Property Inspection

Hi Steve..Thank you for your comment.

Now if only Viki would do the same.

Yes your point is well taken,so why don't we examine just what is a re-inspection.

[are you actualy going there to inspect all over again?]

[are you going there just to see if recommended work was done?]

If we are disscussing the later then you have no reason to write anything since the first opinion in your report hasn't changed.

I recommended a qualified contractor so if not done properly it still has not been done by a qualified contractor. 

So as far as gas or trip time go,that is another matter,that should not effect you much or you would have passed the job to another pro in that area.

This is the extra service I provide my clients as a benifit for using my service as a way to build my referal base.

I  feel being honest , hard working , and caring about my clients will bring me more business than anything else in the long run.Fancy marketing will only get you so far if you are not backing it up.

May 17, 2007 04:51 PM
Steven Turetsky
Comprehensive Building Inspections & Consultants - Staten Island, NY
Building Moisture Analyst

I understand what you are saying, but I feel that doing an inspection is a responsibility, a serious one. What you report and how you report it can make a difference in some very important decision making and big bucks being exchanged. A reinspection can be just as important.

I'm sure you, just as I, have hit my thumb many times with a hammer to get to the point that we can intelligently report. And I am still working very hard at being amongst the best. Nothing comes easy and nothing is free.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I would never check something for someone without them paying additional for it. But point blank, with hundreds of thousands of dollars changing hands, if my reinspection is so valuable, then it should have some value and I don't see a problem collecting a fee. There is only so much time in a day, there is only so much time in a lifetime.

There are other things that come into play too, Where, what, how busy are you, what your fees are. etc. Each case is different, only you know what works for you. Only you know what your eyes see.

I'm not trying to come off like a hard ass, because I'm not.  And I am generous. But just like every reason that you stated why you don't offer discounts, is how I feel about offering a free visit as a "blanket" offer. Isn't that the same thing as a discount?


May 18, 2007 02:29 PM
Steven Turetsky
Comprehensive Building Inspections & Consultants - Staten Island, NY
Building Moisture Analyst

Hey Brad,

What's happening big guy? I'm not only concerned that I could be doing another inspection. I could simply be relaxing at home. Besides the fact that I have to stop WHATEVER I am doing, drive to a site, inspect whatever it is and then drive home (so even a two minute inspection still takes a block of time), every opinion we give out is a liability. Even oral reports.

The other day I did a report on EIFS for a refi. Without exaggerating, once I got past the chit chat session, it took me all but 3 minutes to perform the inspection. But when you consider that I had to change my plans to do it, drive there (15-20 minutes each way and drive another 5 minutes to pick up a check), the report took about 1/2 hour to prepare, because I was so careful to report what was SPECIFICALLY requested and not include any of the other crap I saw that would have hurt my client, the 3 minute inspection that the client saw, really took a lot longer. But, even more than that, it carried my name, my license, my insurance and many years of knowledge.

Bob is not cheap, what he neglected to tell you was that his niche in the market is with sexy, divorced or widowed women. He loves going back to visit. I understand he has a whole "menu" of services that he offers. Most of which are between the hours of dinner and breakfast.

Bob is a bad boy. I am jealous! And don't you even consider it Brad, we both know your wife can kick your  6'4" a_ _!

May 18, 2007 10:45 PM
Donald Sutherland
Marathon Constructors Inspection Services - Seward, AK
Inspector-Seward, Alaska

Many interesting comments. I do not advertise discounts. I do distribute the ASHI Flyer, "Your Home Inspection Questions Answered" with my name label attached. The local realtors and banks and insurance agents have them available. When I learn that a client is active duty military, I let them know that I am giving them a 10% discount, and that is after they've hired me.

Alaska Don

May 19, 2007 04:00 AM
David Helm
Helm Home Inspections - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp

This has been a very interesting line of discussion. I am personally not in favor of coupons or discounts (unless I have done a number of inspections for the client).  For an expanded view of my reasoning see my blog on discount inspections at:

Thanks, Jerome, for bringing this subject up.

May 19, 2007 05:16 AM
Bob Elliott
Elliott Home Inspection - Chicago, IL
Chicago Property Inspection

Hi Everyone...I perfectly understand the other view point,but there are two ways to do every thing and mine is to try and provide high end service.

Look at it this way for just a moment.

My services may be twenty five dollars more on a $500,000 house than the guy down the street and I am not giving away store coupons,but am offering hard work and catering to individual needs at a time in someones life where they are making the biggest financial decision they will ever make.

A very small percentage of clients need this done,but I will not try taking extra money from them if not necessary during this critical period.

Here is my shtick.

I want my clients referral , and I want it bad.Up till now I've never marketed to a Realtor,which may change, now that I am attempting to go full time.Luckily I'm blessed to have skills in different fields that will keep me working assuming good health.

One year from now when my clients friend or relative is looking to buy, which inspector will most likely be recommended.

The cheap guy with the coupon or the guy who was there every step of the way when needed.

The price paid may be forgotten but the level of service, and involvement may long be remembered.

As far as getting sued goes,well you just keep worrying about what is best for your client and the ambulance chasers can go to hell.What you think about is your reality and I chose to be a good person.

Oh buy the way Steve,your written opinion is slanderous so you will be hearing from my lawyers this week.

I just need to wait a few days till their 25% off sale kicks in.

Good lawyers too: Dewy,Cheetum,and Howe,the formal petition will be sent by their secretary a Miss Sue M Nowe.

May 19, 2007 05:35 AM
David Helm
Helm Home Inspections - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp
OK Bob, You'll probably be hearing from Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers from Car Talk on NPR.  Dewey, Cheatum and Howe is their legal team and is used as a tag line on their show every week.
May 19, 2007 05:41 AM
Bob Elliott
Elliott Home Inspection - Chicago, IL
Chicago Property Inspection

Hi Dave..Must be a local thing ,but ignorance of the law is no excuse so I will now confer with the three stooges.

Ok ,they tell me my legal loophole is in the spelling.

May 19, 2007 05:58 AM
Steven Turetsky
Comprehensive Building Inspections & Consultants - Staten Island, NY
Building Moisture Analyst

Well guys,

I think this was a pretty good discussion so far. Different people have different views and that is what makes the world go around.

I guess there will always be people that will chomp at the bit for a twenty five dollar coupon, but I personally don't wish to go that route. I really don't care if someone else is selling themselves for less, my schpiel is to do a better job. So long as I do that, I'm ok.


May 19, 2007 10:02 AM