
Make Today Productive

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Elite

In a 2008 survey about New Years resolutions done by Franklin Covey (the author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"), he found that 35 percent of respondents break their resolutions by the end of January, and only 23 percent of those who took the survey said they don't ever break them.

I guess there is some comfort in knowing that I am not alone. I am great at starting things, but not always so great at seeing those projects through to the end. Ever have the same problem?

At a recent  office meeting, my broker gave me the book "Eat That Frog!" by Brian Tracy. I thought I would share a few things from the book. I am currently reading chapter 3, which talks about the 80/20 rule, also called the "Pareto Principle". A couple examples used in the book are "20 percent of your activities will result in 80 percent of your results, 20 percent of your customers will account for 80 percent of your sales." The point that is being made in the book is that very often the one or two tasks that would be the most productive things to do, are often the tasks that we procrastinate about doing. Which is why someone can be busy all day long, but at the end of the day they have nothing to really show for their efforts. The idea is to plan your day, and do the "worst first". The activities that we may not want to do.

In real estate it is easy to get side tracked and not focus on the tasks that will generate business. I know I find myself tempted to take care of the tasks on my list that are easy.

I am going to strive to focus on the activities that will be the best use of my time, and who knows maybe I will discipline myself to stop procrastinating, and see projects through to completion.

                                                      Make it a productive day!

Stephanie Ballou
Keller Williams Coastal Realty - Dover, NH

Excellent. I too can find it hard it to follow through sometimes. It is very easy to get side tracked! I am going to check out this book. Thanks for that.

Sep 04, 2008 01:14 AM
Suzanne Champion
N.J. Realty - Westerville Ohio - Columbus, OH

One of the things I remember best from Covey's 7 Habits is his little quadrant chart dividing tasks into Urgent/Important, Urgent/Not Important, Not Urgent/Important, and Not Urgent/Not Important. 

It's the category I bolded that he pointed out we most tend to leave out of our schedules.

Sep 04, 2008 01:21 AM
Lewis Beynon
CENTURY 21 Triangle Group - Raleigh, NC
Lew B Realty

Thanks for the blog this morning, it is very timely.  I have a client that I have been talking to for quite sometime.  I finally got him to give me time today to show him some property.........Well, guess who emailed me this morning to cancel...............................I wanted to "call-in" sick today and go golfing, but here I sit.............Thanks again Kristy, Lew 

Sep 04, 2008 01:24 AM
Jason Mitchell
Liberty One Lending - Scottsdale, AZ

inspiring! Thank you

Sep 04, 2008 01:25 AM
Steve Homer
The HBH Group (Keller Williams affiliate) - Round Rock, TX

Kristy:  Gary Keller drives this into us at Keller Williams to concentrate on the 20% - and at the top of that list should always be 3 hours/day of lead generation work, preferably in the morning when you are fresh and on top of your game!  It is still a struggle for me after 7 years in the business, but I have proven that this really works!  It would be easy to let the phone, email, and even blog commenting to get in the way!  ;-)

Sep 04, 2008 01:25 AM
Kristin Moran
Owner - RE/MAX Access - - San Antonio, TX
San Antonio,TX - Real Estate - 210-313-7397

Hi Kristy:  Um, Yea.  I hear you...I have one "TASK" I started 2 weeks ago and need to focus on doing the WORST first.  I think I will eat that frog. 

Sep 04, 2008 01:35 AM
Laurie Logan
Keller Williams Realty, Inc., Broker Associate - Madison, WI
South Central WI Real Estate

HI Kristy,

Thanks for the inspiration!  I have two frogs to eat, and several items that are important/not urgent. Funny thing, the more aggressive I am in handling these types of things - the less of a problem they are in the future.

Up to the front burners they come!

Take care,   Laurie

Sep 04, 2008 02:19 AM

We sometimes have to experiment with goals and resolutions before we realize that we're not suited to them (or vice versa) or that we have more vital tasks and goals to pursue.  Close to half of what's on most people's to-do lists they shouldn't bother with today, probably not this week, and possible not at all.

It may be that (some of) the people who maintain success with their resolutions have become adept at either making sure their resolutions match who they really are and what they really want, and have developed the skills and strategies to implement them, or they're setting really simple resolutions that don't require much to follow through with.

I like the notion of procrastivity (, and that's what i try to live by.

Sep 05, 2008 08:15 AM
Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT


Good to see you here and on facebook!

If you are at the WRA convention, stop by the booth and say HI!

..I won't have any frogs, I might have some frisbees!

Look for you there,



Sep 05, 2008 08:36 AM
Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Kristy, that is excellent advice. I have read both books and try to implement their strategies. Some days it's easier than others :-)



Nov 30, 2008 06:28 AM