There are hundreds of local MLS boards throughout the united States. In order for a Real Estate Agent to list a property on the MLS they must be a member of the local New Jersey Realtors Association, only these member Real Estate Agents are allowed to list in the NJ MLS, the general public is not.
Realtors list properties in the NJ MLS listing system because they know it is the number one method for selling a home quickly, efficiently, and usually for the best price because of the added exposure. Having great market exposure creates more buyer interest and increases a Seller's chances of obtaining a higher price for their home.
The MLS increases exposure because it is an enormous database of any property listed in your area of New Jersey, complete with pictures, features of each property, price, commission and contact information. Often, although not always , the property is also featured on other sites linked to the New Jersey MLS, , such as Whenever a Buyer's Agent has a qualified buyer, they search the MLS database according to the buyer's criteria, for properties that they may be interested in purchasing. Homes listed in the MLS have the greatest chances of being sold, because they have the greatest exposure by having the information available literally at the Buyer's Agent's fingertips within seconds.
Listing in the Multiple Listing System used to be an advantage of listing a property with a traditional Real Estate Agent and paying a full 6% or higher commission.
Now you can have your property listed on the NJ MLS listing system for as low as $299! There are Real Estate Agents that will list your property in the MLS for a Flat Fee, plus you will need to offer a commission to the Buyer's Agent. Because you are only offering one low commission, anywhere from 2% to 3% in New Jersey, in essence you will be paying about half the commission that you would have paid traditionally.
Economic forecasts for this year predict that housing demand in NJ will remain healthy. This year, home sales in NJ will reach their third best year ever; with home prices rising on average by 6.4% in NJ. The national job market continues to perform well, and the stock market has been flirting with a five year high, all this could translate into many more home sales in New Jersey. Now you can take advantage of the latest trends as a seller for a very reasonable Flat Rate Fee.
For example: on a $300,000 property listed at a traditional 6% commission (50% to the Listing Agent, and 50% to the Buyer's Agent), your total commission due at closing would be $18,000. On the other hand, with a Flat Fee MLS listing you would pay as low as $299 for the listing in the New Jersey MLS, , plus the commission to the Buyer's Agent (typically 2% to 3% in New Jersey). In this instance your total fees would amount to $6299.
That's quite a savings!
For the savvy seller the choice is clear, why not contact your local New Jersey Real Estate Agent and ask about a Flat Fee MLS listing.