
Lovely Kitchener Bungalow - Staged & Sold in under 10 days for 98% of Asking Price!

Home Stager with Beyond the Stage Homes

This house is a lovely bungalow in Stanley Park, Kitchener which we were called in to help with before it went on the market. The home owner was an older lady who had moved to a nursing home and her relatives who lived outside the country were put in charge of getting the house sold. Our first impressions of the house were a lot of wallpaper, clutter and religious items. We were hired to stage but also to manage the wallpaper removal/painting project, general repairs and to de-clutter the house.

Once done, the house was neutral and appealing to a wide range of buyers - and within 10 days a young family had snapped the house up!

Small second bedroom. This room actually contained a double bed and the larger bedroom contained this single bed. We switched them and then had all the patterned wallpaper, flowery border and religious effects taken down.

Second bedroom "after" we were finished.

Master Bedroom "before" but also after we had the pink wall colour neutralized and the flowery border removed.

Master Bedroom "After"

Dining Room Area "Before"

Dining Room Area "After"

Living Room "Before"

Living Room "After"

All in all, we were really pleased with how the house turned out. We believe that by removing all the wallpaper/borders and staging the home simply we allowed buyers to see the potential and charm of the home.

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Heather Cook  is Co-Owner and Principal Staging Designer of the award winning Rooms in Bloom Home Staging & Design Inc. based out of Kitchener-Waterloo, ON.


Contact us today so we can help you create the WOW Factor in your home.



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Li Read
Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring) - Salt Spring Island, BC
Caring expertise...knowledge for you!

Very impressive!     I live in a secondary home marketplace, where your scenario of out of province children having to sell the parents retirement home, which is inevitably outdated, struck a chord.    

Sep 05, 2008 05:14 AM
Bill Parecki
Elite Pacific Properties - Hilo, HI
RS, ABR, RDCPro, SFR, E-Pro, SRS, AHWD, Green

Aloha Heather,

great post, great job.  I wish you were in my area because I would hire you on the spot

Sep 05, 2008 07:00 AM
Heather Cook
Beyond the Stage Homes - Kitchener, ON
Delivering beautifully staged spaces

Li - We actually do a lot of staging for older sellers who are either downsizing themselves and/or have relatives who are taking care of things after they have been moved to an assisted living facility. This was the first time we had staged when the family was out of country however so it took a bit more finesse and hands-on approach. The nice thing is that once these houses have been neutrally decorated and staged, the seller or the seller's family is getting full value for the home!

Bill - Thanks so much! We'd love to be staging in Hawaii with you - my partner and I think that just might be our "dream location"! We'll let you know if we end up moving out your way!

Sep 05, 2008 07:25 AM