
Mountain Biking, Killington, Vermont

Real Estate Agent with Alliance Realtors

These photos are from my mountain biking excursion last Sunday at Killington.  I took the gondola up to the top of the mountain a few times and rode my bike down.  Sounds easy, you might say?  NOT!  Mountain biking down a 4,200 foot peak can be quite intense as you ride over very bumpy, very rocky areas.  Some of the trails are so narrow that they are practically single track (not much wider than your tires).  Some trails have steep drops off of a cliff face and some are so steep that you have to ride your brakes for hundreds of feet.  I actually almost flipped over once - balancing on one wheel and it could have gone either way - shifting my weight back the slightest bit after hovering over one wheel for like three seconds brough me back to reality - WHEW!  I did have one crash and still have the cuts on my legs to prove it.

By the way, I was dressed for warm weather in bike shorts, a short sleeve biking shirt, gloves and a helmet while several people came dressed up in full battle gear - full coverage body suits, helmets with face guards, shoulder, elbow and knee pads.  I think I would have had more confidence if I was padded to the hilt.  Maybe I will try this again in cooler weather and get a little crazy :)

This is East Fall - one of the trails I ski down during the winter.  Yikes, it looks steep even in summer!

Here are examples of two of the trails.  Note how rocky the one is and how skiny the other is.  These were EASY trails.  It was too dangerous for me to stop and take pictures on the more difficult trails!


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Steve Hoffacker
Steve Hoffacker LLC - West Palm Beach, FL
Certified Aging In Place Specialist-Instructor


Great pictures. It makes your downhill adventure look like so much fun.


Sep 05, 2008 10:59 AM
C Tann-Starr
Tann Starr & Associates, Inc. - Palm Bay, FL

Oh my word! Wow! GREAT eye candy! That looks like quite a trek! Keep 'em coming. Do you do this a lot?

Sep 07, 2008 05:26 PM
Lisa Friedman
Alliance Realtors - Bedminster, NJ
Central New Jersey Real Estate

Steve: It is so much fun!

C: As often as I can.  I always bring my bikes (one ride bike and one mountain bike) up to Vermont.  I have two vacation homes there and usually spend between about 45-70 days a year up there.  When I'm not biking, I'm hiking, skiing or kayaking.

Sep 08, 2008 01:34 PM
Greg Nino
RE/MAX Compass - Houston, TX
Houston, Texas

2 vacation homes? Wow. Can you leave the keys under the matt for me. I 'd love to have a place to "visit."


Sep 15, 2008 02:57 AM
Lisa Friedman
Alliance Realtors - Bedminster, NJ
Central New Jersey Real Estate

Greg, you are welcome any time Buddy.  I rent the houses out on a nightly and weekly basis during ski season - they are vacant most of the rest of the year.  And Vermont is so pretty in the summer and Absolutely Spectacular in the fall.  Family and friends stay for free and I love having company.  I'm serious, if you'd like to come up (either on your own or to hang out together), let me know!


Sep 15, 2008 03:05 AM