
myths and pitfalls of which to be aware...

Real Estate Agent with Homesmart Elite

myths and pitfalls of which to be aware...

  • Foreclosure Homes are not always under market value -
  • Often, you do not have access to preview the homes thus potentially buying homes in disrepair
  • Cash is often required to purchase with no promise of Re-Finance , thus tying up a large amount of cash
  • if buying for investment , there is no guarantee you will sell in the future, thus an expensive on-going cost
  • these companies often will Auction only one home in a community per auction, to imply that foreclosure is the only home for sale in the neighborhood. Next auction , don't be surprised if the home next door is now up for Auction.
  • Bank owned homes (REO)are available that you can inspect, negotiate prices and finance on the MLS

These companies are providing an unfortunate, but honest and necessary service.