As of September 5, 2008 here is the status of the Real Estate market in Medford, Ma.
Currently there are 87 single family homes on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) in Medford Mass, they range from $162,450 to $769,000.
Currently there are 66 condos on the MLS in Medford Mass, they range from $178,900 on Riverside Ave. to $673,900 at Station Landing.
On the Multi Family front, there are 66 multi family homes on the MLS in Medford, the lowest priced two family starts at $300,000 and the highest multi on the MLS is on for $610,000.
There are currently three parcels of land in Medford for sale on the MLS, they range from $75,000 on Landry rd to $260,000 on Capen St.
Under Agreement Properties
Single Family Homes: 25 Average List Price: $371,483 Average Market Time: 64.60
Condos: 19 Average List Price: $360,005 Average Market Time: 149.89
Multi Family Homes: 21 Average List Price: $403,586 Average Market Time: 81.48
Sold Properties: last 6 months
Single Family Homes: 127 Average Sale Price: $378,051 Average Market Time: 95.17
Condos: 86 Average Sale Price: $305,365 Average Market Time: 145.36
Multi Family Homes: 45 Average Sale Price: $394,314 Average Market Time: 105.71
To request a showing of any of these Medford Ma homes on the market please contact Dan Tucci, a lifelong Medford resident and REALTOR®.
Dan Tucci
American Hallmark Realtors