Have you ever had a week where everyday was a Monday? Things just never went as planned. Well that has been my week, but today I feel like I could be on The Stager. I have a very good repeat client that I tend to go out of my way for. They wanted me to replace a dining table with a much larger dining table. For this I usually work with a rental company to supplement my inventory. I do not have too many houses that need an 80" or 90" table.
Today was supposed to be swapping day (this is Friday isn't it) for a larger table with a leaf that would expand to 90". They are having a project review and will have a big tour of the properties so they are expecting it done.
My table, chairs and buffet arrived. It was the last and only one of its kind and it was damaged(not fixable with markers) and should never have been delivered. I could have probably lived with the buffet and chairs, but one whole end of the table was severely gouged. Why didn't I think of a table cloth? I did, but this is the kind of client that likes to move things and I knew if I did that one day they would decide they didn't want a table cloth and wonder what kind of inventory I would bring in.
After escalating and several very assertive conversations I invoked the sunset clause that issues have to be remedied within 24 hours. Now the warehouse is scrambling to put together a different set to deliver to me this evening probably around 8:00. Was it Tom that said he turns off his phone or doesnt' answer.
And to the stager that asked about working with builders this is occassionally the kind of thing that happens, so I decided to blog and share the current dining room with you and wish you all a happy Friday evening. I'll be leaving shortly to swap another table and hope it fits. I thought I would blog and leave a photo of the current dining room. I just got the call earlier than expected so I hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope this table works.