Signatures are a simple tool that are incredibly powerful. Our single most important task as Realtors is to.... prospect! If you are sending out e-mails without a good signature you are missing out on a powerful prospecting tool.
It doesnt even matter what the email is about. Think about it. Do you send email messages to people that dont know you are an agent? Your childrens teachers? Groups that you are active in? (Church, the gym, tennis or golf clubs, boy scouts, PTA.. etc...) Your signature should be on every email. People are interested in what you do. Give them a chance to contact you about your business.
Information that should be on signatures A.) Name and Designations B.) Location, if not full address: Sometimes buyers are working with agents in multiple cities as they consider a relocation. (Also good for agents in other cities.. Hint! Hint!) C.) Email address and Website: Make it easy for them to contact you. Make sure they both are working links so your website and email are just a click away. Some of your clients email programs may change the format of the message so the links may not work, but for most links work D.) Tag Lines, Photos & Logos are great. Downside is that sometimes your email doesn't make it through aggressive spam filters. Test your signature by emailing several people and follow-up with them by phone to see if they received your email. (Send the email to past clients and kill two birds with one stone... Don't forget to ask for referrals!)