
Fannie, Freddie and You

Real Estate Agent with The Davis Company

Two days after the storm, the dust has yet to settle. This is a great time for real estate professionals to get informed and understand what this does and does not mean to the typical buyer, seller and the market in general. Once you have a good understanding of what actually happened and the impact...would it not be a great time to communicate such to your sphere of influence? Do it and be the expert in your folks' mind. Don't delay, or someone else will do it for you. I will liken this to stockbrokers and financial advisers informing their clients of change before it makes the rounds through that ever so biased media. Any thoughts?


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Tracie Mason
Agent Assistant Network - Seattle, WA
Holton, Coach & Virtual Assistant

Mike - In addition to real estate, my husband and I also active stock investors.  Fannie was one of our speculative plays, not sure it's going to work out.  We'll see how WAMU plays out.  :-) 

I wonder if most consumers are even paying attention.  From what I read in many financial publications, most people just don't get it.

Sep 10, 2008 04:44 PM
Mike Butson
The Davis Company - Austin, TX
Realtor & Sales Trainer

I agree. We are a headline society.

Sep 11, 2008 07:24 AM