Well, you can write "i love you" on just about anything in my house right now LOL
I pass by the stereo cabinet every day and write something new on it ... just to see how much more dust will settle on it between now and the time it all gets wiped clean.
I must admit that this is unusual - basement renovation and dust everywhere ...
But even if the basement wasn't being renovated, I do prefer to go out with my friends on my spare time, enjoy a glass of wine and a few laughs, and leave the dusting for the following week, or the week after that....
And you are absolutely correct ... old age arrived and it is not kind - at all.
So enjoy, while you can. Life is too short, and the dust will be here, long after we're gone.
Martha Stewart does not live here either!! I will write my hubby a love note tonight-thanks for the inspiration!!!
Sylvie - I HATE renovations!!! During the project I mean because I sure do love the outcome! Good Luck and I hope you love your finished product!!!
Cathy - My mom used to joke that she had kids so that she wouldn't have to clean house anymore! And now that I'm a mom..... you better believe that I tease my kids with it too! (I have my son do the dusting by the way!)
Thanks for commenting Ladies!
Have a wonderful day!
Nyana: I love this post! I love this line:
Life is short. Enjoy it!
Dust if you must .........
Cute, cute poem! I am too anal for things out of order, but I have "groupings" right now that need tending to. I don't notice dust that much though, as long as my visual is clear (things in order).
I delegate, along with doing it myself. I strongly recommend it!
May I reproduce the poem on my company's blog?
Hi Mirela!
Of course you may duplicate the poem! It was a "gift" to me, so I would love for you to please pass it on! I too am one to "delegate". My husband and son can be quite helpful! (Thankfully!) We as woman wear so many hats, i.e., wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, granddaughter, boss, employee, homemaker.... and at the same time we try to be beautiful, search for God, stay strong when others around us can't see us falter.... Sounds like a job that no one would ever want, but I love being a woman! And this poem let me feel that it just might be o.k. if there was a little dust! I hope that it does the same for women everywhere!
Have a glass of wine with friends or your honey, watch a movie, close the door to the laundry room, because it will still be there when you wake up in the morning! (Unfortunately! Where are the laundry theives!!!)
Have a wonderful day Mirela!
I love hearing from you, you are always so positive! God Bless ya!