The culprit-- Joey! Was he tired? Lazy? Just being a cat? Who knows! But, he claimed a corner of the bedroom carpet for himself, and nobody was going near it. The stink! OMG! The carpet!
Who, me?
His life was hanging by a thread by now.
To the rescue-- SCOE 10X, The Odor Eliminator! Made by BioFog, Inc. from Alpharetta, Georgia, and promising to eliminate odors permanently.
We gave it a shot, and it worked! Yes, it's more expensive-- But we were able to spend $20-30 to save all the carpets in the house. Did I mention that Joey had found other spots, too-- just not quite so obviously as the bedroom carpet? These were found by inspecting with a blacklight-- the little devil!
And yes, you need to thoroughly saturate the offensive spots and wait a bit for it to do its magic.
But, it worked well. And, Joey is spared!
I did have a long conversation with the technician to learn about this product and how it worked. Fascinating stuff if you have an interest in science. Bottom line, however, is that it should be in every Realtor's arsenal.
As they say, "Don't leave home without it!"