
Nothing rhymes with orange but I figured out how to upload photos at last!!

Home Stager with West Coast Staging

On a staging job where we used only what we had on site, and couldn't do any painting, we were faced witht the challenge of how to make a staggeringly vibrant ORANGE bedroom look good.......

Orange Room Before

Well, it still was ORANGE - and all we had to use was an old sleeping bag and a poster we found in the trash but it still looked much more appealing (less appalling!) when we were done.

Orange Room After

A good example of making something from literally nothing with good staging techniques.

PS - AHA! my google toolbar was blocking the pop up window from which you choose your URL - thought I was either going crazy or just technologically inept.  Read every blog I could find about uploading photos and nothing worked...silly old pop up blocker!  I'm just thrilled I was able to figure it out!!

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Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman
Liberty Homes - Mililani, HI

That sure looks a lot better than what it was engulfed in Halloween array lol!

Sep 09, 2008 06:07 AM